How To Fill Out A Marriage License Application

When it comes to planning a wedding, it can take a lot of your time and your thoughts because you want and need everything to be done just as you want it. It can be a stressful time for both the groom and the bride due to the different activities that need to be carried out and although skipping a detail can be inevitable, that detail shouldn’t be your marriage license. This is one detail you absolutely do not want to forget. This is because without it, you can’t get a marriage certificate and that means you wouldn’t be recognized as couples legally. It is also very important to know how to fill it out properly because of any mistake you make can have consequences.
It is important to know that filling out marriage licenses is not a difficult or a lengthy process, however, providing the right and accurate information is the proper way to fill out this important piece of paper.
All you have to do is go to the county clerk office where you wish to get married and it doesn’t have to be a state of residence. For this form to be filled properly, both parties involved in the marriage must be present. When you get to the office, request for a form from the clerk representative and when it is given to you, you are expected to fill in all the necessary information that could determine if the marriage would be able to take place or not.
Some of the most required information, regardless of the state you are applying to include;
- Names
- Age
- Address
- Social security number
- Place of birth
- Parents name
When the filling process is completed, both the bride and the groom are expected to sign. After this is done, you both are to present this license form for identification to a county agent. This identification process is necessary for verifying both parties that applied for a license are legal to proceed with the marriage (being 18 or older). When this has been checked and approved, you would need to pay the appropriate licensing fee and it differs from state to state. Inquire how much it is for the state you are applying to and pay.
Various counties can accept different means of payment. It can be in cash or money order or a personal check and even a travels check. Some counties accept credit card payments so to be on the safer side, find out all these before going to avoid rescheduling
What Next?
When you get a marriage license, you are required to get married before it expires. Marriage license expires after a period of time and if you do not get married within that period, you would need to apply again. Most states have a period of 60 days before it expires while some go as high as 180 days especially for military personnel on active duty. To be very sure about the right number of days you have before it expires, be sure to ask. Also remember if you do not get married within this period, you’ll have to start the process all over again. It is usually advisable to apply for a marriage license when a sure wedding date has been fixed.
You would then be required to present your license to an officiant as well as the witnesses present at a wedding. A total number of signatures including the couple is required and this depends on the state of choice. There are spaces for required people and a final one at the bottom of the license. When it has been duly signed, it is required to be sent back to the county clerk’s office within a given period. In most states, it is required to be submitted within 10 days after the wedding ceremony has taken place. To find out how long it takes for your state would require you checking with your clerk’s office.
Filling out a marriage license isn’t a lengthy process, it can be made easier by using as a resource