How To Boost Someone’s Self Confidence



In a society filled with images of the perfect body, descriptors of how to be the perfect person, and articles on top of articles of how to live the best lifestyles, it is no wonder that many of us suffer with low self-confidence or low self-esteem. A person’s lack of self-confidence within themselves, their bodies or their abilities, don’t just stop there. The knock on effects of a lowered opinion of oneself, causes a multitude of problems across many areas of a person’s life. It impacts on relationships, self beliefs, faith and also a person’s mental health.

Boosting someone’s self-confidence is not easy, but it can be done if you are willing to put in the work.

There are things you can do and say to help boost someone’s self-confidence, but none of that will matter if the person in question is not willing to do their homework. 

If you truly want to help someone be more confident, make sure to get them to work on their confidence. After all, self confidence is not a personality trait that can be adjusted, it is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced in order to improve.

When considering ways on how to boost someone’s self-confidence, compliments are a great way to eradicate any negative thoughts a person is having about themselves. Whilst encouraging a person to adapt ways in which they can help themselves to feel and come across more confident, it is important to secure these positive beliefs by commenting on how well their new top sets off their figure, or how much better they look in bright colors. It’s this type of behavior that is going to secure the beliefs set by appearing more confident. 

As a person trying to boost someone else’s confidence it can feel like a never ending list of things you should and shouldn’t do in order to help a loved one or friend. When in fact the best thing anyone can do is be there. Whilst simply being there alone, isn’t going to change a person’s thought process, the most important part of beginning to help a person to heal is for them to know they have someone close to them that they can lean on and trust. Once you have that trust, helping eradicate negative thoughts and beliefs in a loved one will seem a far easier process.

There are many ways in which you can help to boost someone’s self confidence, but it is safe to say that there is also only so much you can do. It is important to encourage your friend or loved one to understand the signs and start to heal themselves with your help and not the other way round.

If at any point you start to worry about your friends or loved ones negative thought process, or their inability to want to help themselves, then it is important that you take it up with their doctor or a trained medical professional in order to get them the help they need.

The journey to positive self-confidence may seem like a long and never ending road but with the right support, it is the right road to the rest of a person’s life.



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