Getting Your Dog Comfortable with Other Dogs at Your Home


When you decide to introduce a new puppy to your family with other dogs, the process can lead to extreme excitement and nervousness. 

It would be best to make a smooth transition, which means understanding the steps you need to take in the first few months.

Having a proper plan and approach will help you ensure the long friendship between dogs in your home, which will prevent potential issues. We recommend you to enter here to learn more about importance of socializing. 

If you wish to introduce your dog’s properly, you need to start with an excellent first impression. Therefore, you should follow these steps that will help you introduce them to each other painfully and without too much hassle.

  1. Introduce Them to a Neutral Spot

We recommend finding an outdoor, neutral, and fenced area that neither dog claimed as its territory. Space should not feature other people and pets. For instance, you can use a friend’s backyard, especially if he/she does not have pets.

However, this is not always possible, which is why you should think about finding an outdoor area with enough room for them to roam around and leash, which will help them get to know each other. If you do not have an outdoor place, you can do it in the basement or garage.

Still, it would help if you prepared an outdoor area by putting away anything that can cause a problem, including beds, bones, toys, and food bowls. Think about every step along the way, and include items that will not interest them.

For instance, old toys can become valuable if a new dog takes them from an old one.

  1. Check Out Their Body Languages

Remember that introduction starts with both dogs on leash. You should find someone to assist you who knows how to interpret canine body language.

You should check out whether they have waggy and happy body language and interest in each other instead of freezing, tense postures, and stares. 

If you notice a sign that one wants to get away, you should do something about it, mainly because most people tend to misinterpret it.

As soon as you notice certain behavior changes, you should visit this site: to learn how to deal with dog’s OCD. 

For instance, if one of them runs over to you, we recommend you stop with the meeting because it is a clear sign that your canine friend wants to stop with interaction.

On the other hand, if you have noticed a tense situation and are not comfortable with the way they interact, you should find a trainer that will help you out with the process.

  1. Walk Them Together

When you introduce them together, the next step is to walk them simultaneously. Still, they should be apart but aware of each other. You should avoid placing them too close so they can fixate on each other.

It would be best to walk them with the same buffer distance between them and in the same direction. Then it would help to trade places with other so that each dog could understand a scent where other dog walked, especially when you return home.

You should let them investigate potty spots because it can pick relevant information about other canines. We recommend you stay calm and keep grips loose. 

If you have noticed that both feel relaxed, then you should let them socialize with one another by reducing the distance between them while walking. Still, you should avoid a direct face-to-face approach because it is unnatural and stressful for them to meet.

  1. Let Them Interact Freely

If you have noticed that they are interacting correctly while on a leash, you should get back to the enclosed area and interact with each other without hooks. They will first sniff one another, while you should encourage them to move with you for a brief walk.

Of course, they will continue sniffing each other or start playing, which is the best thing that can happen. You should check out the signs of connection, such as a play bow a canine does when it puts the elbows on the ground. 

As they play, you should watch their interaction all the time as well as pauses to prevent potential aggressiveness that can happen anytime.

  1. Introducing Them in Home

As soon as you introduce them outside, you will be able to get a new dog inside your household or apartment. Instead of bringing both simultaneously, you should let a resident dog come in first. 

Then the new dog should enter and check the living area. Of course, you should keep an eye on it because you should bring it to an open area when it contains everything. Remember that cramped spaces are perfect for scuffles and jockeying issues.

Still, you should pick up beds, treats, toys, and prized possessions that can create additional tension between old and new dogs.

  1. Daily Life After the Introduction

You need to be patient and let dogs get used to one another, which is essential to understand. Do not bring too many guests. Besides, you should maintain both, remember your daily schedule and go for solo walks at the beginning.

Having more than one canine in the home means you should always be aware of potential tension between them, such as body blocking, hard stares, and growling. If you notice them, you should do something about it and move them away from each other.

It is vital to learn more here about increasing a mood of your English bulldog. 

Separate them in case it happens and direct their attention to something more interesting. Of course, you should let them rest from one another at least one hour before the next engagement.

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