Can the Weather Affect a Slip and Fall Case?


Adverse weather, such as rain or the occasional snowfall in Tulsa, can impact your rights in a slip and fall accident claim.

The weather in Tulsa is typically pleasant, but we do have our fair share of rain and even the occasional snowfall. In addition to putting a damper on any outdoor plans, adverse weather conditions can make slip and fall accidents more likely to happen. These can result in potentially serious personal injuries. When property owners are to blame they can be held liable for the damages you suffer. However, the weather could be a factor that impacts your rights in a slip and fall accident claim.

When Slip and Fall Accidents Happen

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injuries. According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), they send over one million people to hospital emergency rooms each year. Slips and falls often occur in public places, such as grocery stores, retail establishments, restaurants, and resorts, as well as in office buildings, banks, hospitals, and other locations. Among the most common causes include:

  • Wet, slippery floors;
  • Condensation near exits or entrances;
  • Torn carpeting and loose flooring tiles;
  • Lack of proper lighting or landscaping;
  • Lack of handrails on stairs and at heights.

When slip and fall accidents happen, the reckless and negligent actions of property owners or managers are often responsible. They can be held liable for the expenses you incur as a result either through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. However, if adverse weather played a role in your slip and fall accident, it could jeopardize your rights to compensation.

How Weather can Impact Your Right to Compensation for Slip and Fall Injuries

Under Title 76 of the Oklahoma Statutes, property owners and their employees have a duty to maintain the premises. When they allow dangerous conditions to exist and fail to want visitors or invited guests, they can be held accountable in a premises liability claim when personal injuries occur as a result.

There is some limit to this though. Basically, they are liable for conditions and situations they have control over or the power to fix. There is little they can do about a sudden rainstorm and if you are injured during one, the property owner and their insurer may dispute your claim. This is why you need an experienced slip and fall accident attorney on your side. Facts we can assert in defending your claim include:

  • That the employer knew rain posed a hazard to visitors;
  • That there were actions they could have taken, such as posting warning signs;
  • That there were issues, such as problems with drainage or with paving surfaces, that made slips and falls in rainy conditions more likely to happen.

Get Our Tulsa, OK Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys on Your Side

When slip and fall accidents happen, Boettcher, Devinney, Ingle & Wicker help you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. Call or contact our Tulsa slip and fall accident attorneys online today to request a consultation.

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