What Issues Can You Mediate in a Divorce?


Divorce is difficult for anyone. Not only is it a time of much change and turmoil, but it can result in a significant decrease in assets and income. In addition, there are often children to consider. When going through the divorce process, it’s important to review your rights and consider involvement in the decision-making process with your soon-to-be ex-partner. Certain issues involved in a divorce can be resolved by mediation.

It’s important to understand when you can and cannot mediate an issue in divorce. There are many issues that may be decided between the two parties involved in a divorce, but there are some issues that must be decided by a judge. You can consult a divorce attorney Milwaukee to decide whether mediation works for your situation.

Let us now see into common issues that can be solved by mediation.

  • Child custody

In most divorces, child custody will be determined between the two parents. However, it is possible to mediate child custody issues with the help of a divorce lawyer. It can also be helpful in cases where one parent is seeking to move out of state with the children. In this case, a mediator may be able to help both parents find an agreement that allows the move, while still allowing some time for both parents to spend time with the children.

  • Child support

Child support is another issue that can be mediated in divorce. In fact, most divorce agreements will contain child support agreements. A mediator may be able to help both parties come to an agreement about the amount of child support, as well as how the payments should be made.

  • Spousal maintenance

Spousal maintenance is another issue that can be resolved in divorce by a mediator. It is typically paid to the spouse who is not working or earning income. In many cases, this is a fair way of dividing marital assets and debts. A mediator may be able to help both parties reach an agreement about their spousal maintenance needs.

  • Property division

Property division is one of the most difficult issues that can be resolved by a divorce mediator. Many people feel that their homes and assets should be divided equally between them when they divorce. However, this doesn’t always happen. A mediator may be able to help a couple decide how much each partner should receive.

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