The Perfect Ambience of Toronto and the Best Time


Canada has always been considered the antagonist par excellence of the country with stars and stripes, but when it comes to tourism the cities of North America remain unbeaten on all fronts. If what you are looking for is a place to unplug your worries and to collect a good supply of memories, Toronto is the place for you.

The Location

Located in the most south-eastern area of ​​the province of Ontario, of which it still plays the role of main bulwark, Toronto is one of the best-known cities in the entire nation and not even the highly quoted and multilingual Montreal manages to compete with the sense of hospitality and the whirlwind of dizzying attractions and skyscrapers of which the metropolis is more than well stocked. Then you can also have a look at the Top Toronto Clubs and spend your best time there at night.

  • A mix of different cultures is the main foundation of the city of which a large portion of the population has its roots in the lands of the Old World, while 240 districts are compressed within the urban borders in which to extricate themselves from the picturesque Old Toronto and York’s famous Weston neighborhood.
  • It is in Downtown that the dynamic and hyperactive soul of the city is revealed. A striking example is the transparent gallery of the Eaton Center maxi shopping center , which is taken daily by assault especially by the younger Canadians and supplied with the best brands typical of Canada , while at night, when the lights go out and the night people come to life , the breathtaking spectacle that unfolds in front of the lucky traveler can only leave you amazed with the giant ‘chessboard’ format of skyscrapers completely immersed in darkness and the streets constantly clogged with city traffic.

Of interest also one of the very first neighborhoods established in the city , the all Canadian version of Little Italy , whose center is located on College Street and which, together with Bristol Avenue, is certainly the ideal place to devote yourself to the ” sighting” of buildings and cottages typical of North America.

The Sites 

Competing with these, the Canadian International Tower, more familiarly known as the CN Tower , rises from its 553 meters of dizzying height , which for 30 years held the title of tallest tower in the world and then found itself ousted, recently , from the Burj Khalifa skyscraper. The flagship of Toronto ‘s mastodon of architecture, the tower has an extra gear because of the panoramic platforms that make it a ‘cap’ on the top floors, the most important of which is the Look Out Level, even higher than the Tower Eiffel. 

By stepping on the impressive welded glass floor at 342 m from the ground, you reach the area equipped with tons of high-altitude restaurants that, turning continuously on themselves, offer one of the best views from above of the whole city.

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