The Finest Green Exam Preparation with the Understanding of the Nature


The price positioning of an eco-designed product is a choice. This product, positioned in a high-end segment, associated with a design investment, superior quality and innovation, can be more expensive than a competing non-eco-designed product. But this is not inevitable; it depends on the positioning sought for the product in question. In case of the Green Exam you will have to deal with these aspects. So you need to be specific now.

What are we doing in favor of eco-design?

The practice of eco-design

Eco-design is practiced by large companies, SMEs and very small businesses, professional organizations, technical centers. These organizations implement it by themselves or with the help of specialized consultants. The practice of eco-design is closely linked to life cycle analysis and requires a good understanding of its concepts beforehand. But it is possible to do eco-design without carrying out a life cycle analysis study. Eco-design is also the basis of various public and private tools, such as eco-labels and greening purchasing policies.

The promotion of eco-design

In addition, it launches by itself or co-finances studies of life cycle analysis in very varied fields: biofuels, distribution circuits, packaging, waste treatment channels. In addition, many organizations play an important role in promoting eco-design: the network of chambers of commerce and industry, competitiveness clusters, technical centers and various associations.

The eco-product award for sustainable development

The eco-product award for sustainable development is part of the business and environment awards, organized each year by the ministry.

The European directive on the eco-design of energy-related products

The regulations on the energy efficiency of products and equipment are established at European level in application of two framework directives. The first relates to the eco-design of products and makes it possible to set by regulation minimum performance requirements for products placed on the market, and thus to ban the least effective products. The second relates to the energy labeling of products. About twenty families of products have already been subject to such regulations: lighting, household appliances, televisions, air conditioners, electric motors, vacuum cleaners, computers. Know the best of it and be prepared in Green Associate Exam now.

  • The design of this product (37 patents filed) is modular, which allows it to be easily repaired and easily dismantled at the end of its life (in order to improve the sorting of materials and therefore their recycling). The parts were chosen with the aim of extending its lifespan.

The machine is energy efficient: 45% reduction in electricity consumption compared to the most efficient machines on the market. The boiler requires a reduced heating time and goes into standby (0.29 watt) after the end of the coffee cycle.

Eco-design is both a principle and a practice. It consists of integrating environmental preservation criteria from the design of a product project (material good or service) and throughout its development, so as to minimize negative environmental impacts while maintaining a level of product quality consistent with its optimal use.

Eco-design is part of a global approach, called “multi-stage” and “multi-criteria”, which supports the entire life cycle of the product in a perspective of circular economy saving and recycling at maximum natural resources.

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