How to play seven-card stud


There are many poker variants, which people can play on many websites like agen sbobet. One such game is a seven-card stud, which was very popular. People can learn the game easily but mastering it can take a lot of time. Each player is dealt seven cards during the game and they have to make hands of five cards. The winner is the person who has the best hand. Limit betting stricture is used in the game. All the bets made are based on fixed increments. Here are the rules of playing the game, which players have to follow while playing on a website like agen sbobet.


Ante is an amount that each player has to pay to make the starting pot. This is the amount on which each player has to make a bet.

Third Street

After the declaration of ante, the dealer deals three cards to each player. Out of these cards, two are face down and one is face up. These cards are known as the third street The player having the card of the lowest hand has to start taking actions. This player either has to make a bet or he has to choose the full bet.

Fourth Street

The dealer deals one card with face up and this card is known as the fourth street. The player having the face-up cards of the highest poker value has to start taking action. For example, of player has two pairs of queens but no other layer has kings or aces, then this player will start taking actions. The player has the option of either doing a check or making a bet. The betting round continues in the clockwise direction.

Fifth Street

Each player gets one more face-up card and the player having the cards of the highest poker value has to start taking actions. After him, betting continues in the clockwise direction. From this round, all the bets are played on a big bet.

Sixth Street

Each player receives a face-up card and the player having the cards of the highest poker value has to start taking actions. The rest of the things are the same as the fifth round.

Seventh Street

This round is also known as the river. In this round, each player receives a face-down card. The value of the card is known only to the person who receives it. No other player can know the value of the card of other players. The player having the highest poker value of the face-up card has to start the final round of betting.

The winner

The winner of the game depends upon the number of players remaining after the final round. In case there is only one player, he is declared as the winner. If there are more than one player, then the process of showdown starts. The player who has made the last bet has to start showing his cards. If none of the players has made a bet, then the player sitting at the earliest seat has to start the showdown and the player having the best hand is declared as the winner.

Wrapping up

These are the rules of seven stud poker, which a player has to be aware of so that he can play the game strategically and win it. The game is easy to learn but mastering it takes a lot of time.

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