Answering the basic questions about H-1B Visa


Are you a foreign national keen on working in the United States? You need to know in-depth about the H-1B Visa. For the unversed, H-1B Visa allows foreign nationals to work in the US for as long as six years. This is an employer-sponsored nonimmigrant visa. This simply means that the employer must apply for the visa on behalf of the employee through USCIS. Completing the paperwork related to H-1B Visa can be overwhelming, which is the precise reason why many employers prefer to work with professional attorneys. You can easily find a Dallas H-1B Visa attorney online. In this post, we are answering some of the basic questions related to H-1B Visa. 

Which occupations qualify for an H-1B Visa?

Various occupations, including various sciences, mathematics, business administration, do qualify for H-1B Visa. Professionals need to have a bachelor’s degree in the subject to get the H-1B Visa, but for some advanced positions, a master’s degree or Ph.D. may be necessary, as well. 

Who is eligible for an H-1B Visa?

H-1B Visa is available to non-residents of the United States, who have been offered a professional position by an employer in the United States. Minimum educational level includes a bachelor’s degree. 

How hard is it to get the H-1B Visa?

For certain jobs, getting the H-1B Visa may be complicated, primarily because the minimum requirements are not always clear. This is the precise reason why prospective employees and employers often seek expertise from an attorney, who can guide on the applicability and other relevant factors. 

How long does it take?

The time required for getting H-1B status depends on various factors, including the circumstances of the employer. From wage determination to paperwork and USCIS processing, the whole process can be time-confusing and can sometimes take as long as seven months. 

What is H1B Visa 2021 Prevailing Wage?

The prevailing age is the average wage for employees, who do similar jobs. For getting the H1B Visa, the employer must pay the prospective employee the prevailing wage. The figures are offered by the Department of Labor (DOL). 

If you don’t understand the whole process and want to ease the process of obtaining an H-1B Visa, contact a reliable attorney. Visa attorneys keep an eye on changing norms and they can guide on the paperwork, so that the process remains as smooth as possible, both for the employer and the applicant. Check online now to find more on H-1B Visa norms. 

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