Ageing and the Skin: How to Slow It Down


While sagging skin due to aging affects everyone and is inevitable, it is not visible in all people the same way. Genetic capital and lifestyles have different consequences on the skin in different individuals

Causes of sagging skin with aging

The more we advance in age, the more the skin loses its tone. This phenomenon appears from the age of 30 or 40 years. In question, the renewal of skin cells which is slower. Dead skin cells build up and help thicken the skin. Collagen fibers, an essential protein in the constitution of supportive tissues, deteriorate over time and no longer perform their role correctly, which promotes the resistance of body tissues including the skin. With aging, the skin loses its hydration because of the sebaceous glands which degrade. Finally, gravity pulls the softer skin down, creates wrinkles and causes the skin to sag.

Risk factors for sagging skin


Each individual has a different genetic capital which, in some, causes the skin to age faster than in others. This predisposition is of course inevitable. For women, menopause, which leads to hormonal decline, predisposes to sagging skin. You can make use of the nmn powder also in this case to slow the ageing process.

The sun

The sun is the main factor in the aging of the skin. Prolonged exposure to UV has consequences on the skin, in particular that of contributing to prematurely reducing the production of melanin, collagen and elastin which give tone to the skin. They also accelerate the drying and natural dehydration of the skin which leads to sagging skin.

The tobacco

Tobacco contributes to the destruction of the skin fibers which ensure its elasticity and therefore its maintenance and causes the appearance of wrinkles.


A diet poor in antioxidants and essential fatty acids is also the cause of premature aging of the skin and its sagging.

How to remedy sagging skin?

Aging of the skin is natural. No treatment or medication exists to delay this phenomenon. All aesthetic solutions, such as surgery for example, have only effects other than modifying the appearance of the skin but in no case slowing down its aging. The latter can, however, be prevented with simple lifestyle precautions. Avoiding stress, sleeping well, practicing regular physical activity, are already the basis for preventing skin aging and sagging.

Protect yourself from the sun

The application of adequate sun protection is essential to prevent the acceleration of the premature aging process of the skin and therefore its sagging.

Moisturize your skin

The older we get, the more cells that allow the skin to be hydrated and keep its elasticity degenerate. Correctly and regularly moisturizing the skin with adapted and nourishing creams based on vitamins C and E is therefore important to make up for this aging deficit and this gesture even has a preventive effect on sagging skin. Drinking enough during the day (at least 1.5 liters) also allows the body, and consequently the skin too, to be well hydrated.

Suppress tobacco

The negative effects of tobacco on the skin disappear quickly after stopping it. The skin quickly becomes more elastic and therefore sagging less.


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