What Can You Expect from IBPS PO Mains Syllabus?


The pandemic has caused a lot of confusion in 2020 when it comes to the education sector. Schools and colleges are out, with online learning being the norm. Exam schedules are in turmoil everywhere. Fortunately, the IBPS PO exam dates have been finalized.

This means candidates wishing to pursue a career in the Indian banking sector must get ready to write the exam soon. They must be well versed with both the ibps po mains syllabus and the prelim one. Read on to find out details about what you can expect from the mains exam this time.


The IBPS PO mains syllabus is in, but the date is yet to be scheduled. But it is most likely to happen in the same month.

The Mains Question Paper

The questions are basically divided into two parts:

  • Objective: The objective section is divided into 4 sections and will contain 155 questions. The sections are Reasoning and Computer Aptitude (45 questions), English Language (35 questions), Data Analysis and Interpretation (35 questions), and General/Economy/Banking awareness (40 questions).

The total marks for the objective part are 200, with a total time of 3 hours. These 3 hours will be divided among the different sections.

  • Descriptive: It is for a total of 25 marks and will be 30 minutes long. It will have 2 questions: essay writing and letter writing.

The Mains Syllabus

The syllabus for the mains exam is not much different from the prelims one.

Here are the specifics of the mains syllabus for the exam year 2020:

  • Quantitative Aptitude/Data Analysis and Interpretation: This section covers simplification, average, ratio, and percentage, percentage, Data Interpretation, Mensuration and Geometry, Interest, Quadratic Equation, Profit and Loss, Problem of Ages, Speed, time and distance, number series, Time and Work, Data Sufficiency, Number system, Permutation and Combination, Linear Equation, Mixture and Allegations, and Probability.
  • Reasoning and Computer Aptitude: In the reasoning section, we have Syllogism, Verbal Reasoning, Circular Seating Arrangement, Linear Seating Arrangement, Scheduling, Double Lineup, Blood Relations, Input-Output, Ordering and Ranking, Directions and Distances, Coding and Decoding, Data Sufficiency, and Code Inequalities.

The Computer aptitude section has Numbers to Binary Conversion, Binary to Numbers conversion, Computer Fundamentals /Terminologies, Flow Charts, Operating System, Networking, Computer Hardware and Software, Microsoft Office, Keyboard Shortcuts, Computer Abbreviations, Internet, and Memory.

  • General Banking/Economy Awareness: This one contains General Knowledge, Current affairs, Financial Awareness, Static Awareness, Sports News, Science, and Tech-Related Events, World and Indian Superlative, Government schemes, Important Days, Current affairs-Economics, Important Banks, Economic and Corporate Appointments, Annual Budget, Economic Survey, Economic and Corporate Appointments, and other Important Appointments.
  • English Language: The English language syllabus has Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Error Recognition, Verbal Ability, Fill In The Blanks, and Phrase Replacement.

This year’s mains syllabus is just as exhaustive as ever before. Keeping up to date with the current events will be absolutely the focus of the pandemic-induced drastic changes. It has affected economies and businesses worldwide, and the situation is still evolving, so it must be kept track of keenly.

It’s best to grab to have used the latest edition of books for the IBPS PO mains syllabus knowledge. The drastic changes that have happened thus far might have made some of the previous information obsolete.


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