Should Foreigners Wear Hanbok?


When visiting other countries, never forget to first be fully aware of a country’s culture and to recognize any of its sacred customs. Such respect stems greatly from knowing the distinction concerning ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘cultural exchange.’ The greatest differentiation concerning ‘appropriation’ and ‘appreciation’ is continuing to show regard for the other culture’s customs. When doubtful of whether or not a familiar action is appropriate, simply asking is perfectly fine. People are usually pleased to assist those who seem to be sincerely interested in their culture and heritage.

Hanbok, the cultural attire in South Korea, is quite unique. It has always been both a historical and artistic ensemble in Korean culture. Non-Koreans dressing in hanbok in regard to invitation are demonstrating the acts of appreciation and cultural exchange/trade. To wear it for Halloween and/or music events or modifying the Hanbok to meet Western models and stereotypes (but referring to it as the identical or similar name) is known as appropriation.

The ‘study abroad’ program in Seoul gives each student the opportunity to wear Hanbok and we inquired to these students about how they liked dressing in the historical attire. Typically, when a Korean sees a foreigner wearing the nationalized attire, this brings a sense of pride. It is supported by the Korean Board of Tourism and it also showcases the cultural background of Korea. Hanbok is given to foreign people as a sign of friendship, a well.

Korea accommodates numerous non-native learners who take much interest in fashion that is developing in a leading country of modern clothing designs. The practical involvement of Hanbok permits each student to fully grasp the progression of style in Korea and the impact on modern design that Hanbok has.

When asked, Korean residents have reported to be filled with a sense of pride when seeing foreigners wear Hanbok and to see foreign visitors eating kimchi and other types of Korean food. When these foreigners take interest in studying Korean culture and learning more about the traditions, the residents take it as a personal compliment. This makes them feel proud to be Korean.

The foreigners try their best when, and always have fun, speaking Korean. Dressing in Hanbok is similar to trying to learn Korean. Hanbok is a part of Korean culture. Exhibiting Hanbok clothing is not very dissimilar from additional Korean historic and cultural traditions, such as calligraphy, culinary classes, or physical education.

Every tradition of a culture carries a feeling of pride, so it is necessary to remember this when visiting an unfamiliar country. The primary purpose of school attendance in an unfamiliar nation is to accept that country’s culture and customs. Another goal is to actually grasp the culture’s background and partake of a jointly valuable exchange. You will enjoy a far more genuine and positive experience and the residents will likely be impressed by your appreciation for their culture.

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