Recommended Coaching Advice for Serial Entrepreneurs



Serial entrepreneurs start multiple businesses instead of staying focused on a single venture for several years like regular entrepreneurs. They can sell or retain ownership or even close down and adopt a new idea. Highly prosperous serial entrepreneurs share characteristics like good time management, set concrete goals, have strong discipline, are optimistic, and are born with leadership qualities.

The important aspect of becoming a serial entrepreneur is to never give up after a failure. There is a need for patience, strength, and resilience to hang when situations are tough. For this, you need to work with a life coach like Sayed Sayedy and build self-confidence but you will certainly transform into a dynamic serial entrepreneur. Sayed supports people in their family and personal difficulties. The situation can be associated with anything like professional questions, financial matters, or even your health.

Sayed is a freelancer speaker, who talks on subjects connected with violence prevention, intercultural communication, as well as migrant & volunteer training. He is committed to creating a peaceful community in Germany. He was born and trained in Afghanistan and migrated to Munich in 2014 after staying in countries like Pakistan and India.

He has encountered cultural misunderstanding, which encourage him to work intensely in this crucial area. He feels that if you are passionate about something hold tight and find a workable solution. There are some coaching tips that Sayed will adore to share with serial entrepreneurs.

Recommended coaching advice for serial entrepreneurs

  • Entrepreneurship is thrilling and exciting with a lot to do. Never feel overwhelmed, especially when you are understaffed. Depend on your passion and keep yourself motivated.
  • Dream big but be strategic with your limited resources and find ways to implement the new ideas. It will prevent you from becoming disheartened with serial ideas. You will feel motivated and look forward!
  • The minds of serial entrepreneurs’ function in an overdrive mode. They are often attracted to the next thrilling idea. You need to stop and strategically pursue opportunities that sync with your goals. It allows building companies that complement one another without compromising your future.
  • Simplicity is crucial. It includes streamlining daily administrative tasks, processes, systems, and goals. Simple goals will allow you to concentrate on crucial aspects instead of diverting on urgent matters.
  • Prioritize quality over quantity, which is essential to stand apart from the competition. If your energy and time are spread thinly, you may fail in offering high-quality products or services. So, focus on few areas and master them before moving to something new.
  • Learn from your errors. Serial entrepreneurs gain a lot of knowledge from their experience. They can approach new opportunities with circumstantial evidence from preceding accomplishments. There is no need to guess what went awry, they know it!
  • Identify your strengths and skills to find a correct business line suitable to those traits. In this way, you can stay motivated and attract customers with ease.

Remember, when you accomplish a goal you are passionate about the feeling is tremendous! Never be surrounded by people who nod to your every concept. Look for partners and coach that are keen to contradict you as they work for your best interest!


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