Read this article to know symptoms and solution of dry and each scalp


An itchy scalp may happen due to multiple reasons, but one of the most common is the dryness.When the natural water balance of the scalp is damaged, it can result in itching and dry skin. A dry, and itchy scalp is embarrassing, irritating and often causes discomfort. Many of you suffer from scalp disorders, and there are several causes, both internal and external. Here we will see the reasons, symptoms, and simple solutions for dry and itchy scalp. Understanding the causes and knowing the solutions is the first step to improve and rebalance skin conditions.

Symptoms and causes of a dry and itchy scalp

If your scalp is irritated and itchy after dyes, dryer or straightening, it means that it is ultra-sensitive, and you should give it a break. If you notice white flakes in certain areas of your hair, rather than dandruff, it may be a sign that your scalp is dry. This is because many times you only apply moisturizing products to your hair directly, but you forget the leather. It is very important to keep the scalp moisturized if you want to guarantee the growth of new, strong and healthy strands.

After using any product in your hair, whatever it is, if you notice that you have a burning sensation, it is most likely that you have an allergic reaction, and should discontinue its use immediately. This is why it is important to use anti dry scalp products. If you want to get rid of these kind of hair problems then you can try Keracare dry and itchy scalp shampoo.Below is a list of the most common causes.

  • Oily dandruff – it is undoubtedly the main cause of scalp itching.
  • Dry dandruff – The itching is much less than the “fat” version.
  • Psoriasis – It is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic skin inflammation.
  • Folliculitis – Consists of an inflammation of the hair follicle that often degenerates into an infection.
  • Mycosis – These are fungi or organisms normally present on our skin.
  • Parasitosis – Better known as pediculosis where precisely the lice settle on hair, and scalp by laying their eggs. Eliminating this problem nowadays is not a big problem.

What are the simple solutions?

Use a deep cleansing shampoo every week. These formulas release the hair from waste and at the same time eliminate dead cells.Avoid washing your hair with hot water. High temperatures remove the natural oils from the scalp, aggravating dryness, and making it more sensitive. The same applies to the dryer, moderates the heat level to protect your hair.Dry your hair well after washing. Although it may seem a lie, wearing wet hair, especially if it is tied, makes it prone to dryness and increases itching.Drink a lot of water, dehydration can be reflected in the hair.Comb or brush your hair 2 or 3 times a day to distribute the natural oils of your hair. Do it with care and patience.Get rid of hair products that contain alcohol.

Avoid scratching. This increases skin irritation and promotes hair breakage.Wash your hair with Keracare silken sealshampoo at least 2 o 3 times a week. Or, recommended by the professionals. Poor maintenance results in damaged hair, affecting its growth and making it brittle and weak.Use a shampoo with moisturizing ingredients that help hydrate the leather.When you apply the conditioner, take the opportunity to gently massage the entire area of ​​the scalp (with the fingertips, not the nails). This will help eliminate the flakes and moisturize it.

Itching in the head and hair loss: are they connected?

If you often suffer from itching on your head, you know how annoying this phenomenon is. In the most serious cases the desire to scratch the scalp is such that it seems almost to go crazy, and unfortunately it is a more frequent problem than one might think.

Itching in the scalp is not a disease. So it is not easy to give an answer to those who ask if the itching in the head causes hair loss. However, it should be noted that due to the multifactorial nature of baldness, an inflammatory component is often present in the scalp, and therefore it is not uncommon to see excessive sebum, seborrhoea dermatitis, and itching scalp. However, dry and itchy scalp may not be the reason, but, yes, can be the consequence.

In cases of severe seborrhoea dermatitis, it is advisable to resort to pharmacological-type washes based on cortisone, or other anti-inflammatory principles. If instead you find yourself in the presence of dandruff and mycosis, Keracare natural textures hair milk shampoo may be the most suitable solution. In cases of less severe itching, it is sufficient to resort to anti- hair loss shampoos which in most cases contain soothing, and rehydrating elements able to restore the hydro-lipid balance of the scalp.

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