Perfect hair Mask You Can Use for Better care


A good hair routine includes the use of a hair mask to hydrate and repair the hair. A hair mask is a deep treatment that is applied after the shampoo or conditioner stage. Now let’s see the difference between a hydrating mask and a protein mask.

Hydrating mask

Frizzy hair requires daily hydration due to its low water content unlike other hair textures. A hydrating mask is a deep treatment that aims to hydrate the hair . Indeed the first ingredient of a hydrating mask is water. You can make your moisturizing masks yourself from the following natural ingredients: aloe vera, honey, vegetable glycerin, cucumber, avocado, papaya. When? : After each shampoo. How? ‘Or’ What? Heating cap or shower cap. Frequency: once a week. Exposure time: 45 minutes or 1 hour.

Protein mask

Frizzy hair is made up of 90% keratin, a fibrous and helical protein. A protein mask is a deep treatment rich in proteins which consists in repairing, rebuilding and strengthening the hair . You can make your own protein masks from the following ingredients: eggs, dairy products (yogurt, cream), banana. It should be noted that too much protein makes the hair drier and brittle. When? : After each shampoo. How? ‘Or’ What? : Heated cap / shower cap. Frequency: Once a month. Exposure time: 45 minutes or 1 hour.

The moisturizing and protein treatments contribute to the health of the hair. It is important to know your hair type and respect the balance between these two treatments (moisturizing mask and protein mask). You can also make use of the iHerb Eesti Promo Code  for the best results.

A protein mask is a mask made from proteins. Hair is made up of proteins, so it needs proteins to live, to replenish itself, etc. Protein masks help strengthen damaged hair, and even if you don’t have damaged hair, doing it once in a while will help prevent problems.

However, abusing proteins will bring us the opposite effect such as breakage for example.

For hair without chemical coloring, it is advisable to do a protein mask once a month, while for colored hair it is essential to do it quite often twice a month for example.

  • The fresh cream,
  • yogurt,
  • coconut milk,
  • the lawyer
  • eggs.

They are sources of protein that you can find in your kitchen.

However, we must not forget about food. To these masks, we can add a good dose of protein in our dishes to continue to have beautiful hair like:

  • the tuna
  • chicken
  • Egg yolk
  • cooked ham
  • beef
  • soy flour
  • peanuts
  • beans
  • almonds

To recognize proteins in commercial cosmetic products we will see one of the following ingredients in the composition of the product: collagen, keratin, vegetable protein, amino acids,wheat protein, silk protein and soybean protein

A hydrating mask is a mask made from a hydrating compound. Water is the universal moisturizer but there are also plants / fruits / vegetables that have super moisturizing properties eg aloe vera. The moisturizing mask therefore has for mission to bring to our hair, very dry by nature, effective and deep hydration. Also use the iHerb Suomi Promo Code and bring the best masks.

Moisturizing Masks

Moisturizing masks are safe for our hair, so we can do it very often since they will allow us to soften our hair and avoid having dry and dull hair. It is even advisable to apply a moisturizing mask at least once a week when you have frizzy hair.

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