When planning a Rhinoplasty Toronto, it is a no brainer that you need to put your research into it. While undergoing the nose job there are certain anxieties which may arise and reading about the challenges and experiences online might only add to it. You may even start to anticipate the worse, even before undergoing the procedure. If you have finally summoned the courage to undergo the procedure, then there are certain things that you should to do in order to prepare yourself for the procedure.

What is Rhinoplasty?

A nose job is also known as Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure which helps to enhance the nose and also reshape it. It can also help to improve the nasal passage with the addition of a septoplasty procedure. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic and lasts for about an hour or three, depending upon what your requirement is. There are various techniques available which are used to reach a variety of goals. Hence, the technique used differs from person to person. During the procedure adjustments are made to the bones and cartilage of the bride, tissues might be removed or added or changes are made to the nostrils, nose tip or the radix.

Why do you need to prepare before undergoing the procedure?

Rhinoplasty or nose job is an invasive procedure which has a recovery period, so there are certain preparations which need to be made at your end before you go under the knife. Making these preparations will make your recovery period significantly easier. Keeping your daily routine in mind make a list of the tasks, household work, career work, supplies, transportation and entertainment needs so you can go about planning and preparing the challenging bit so that you don’t have to go through it when you are recovering.

How to prepare?

It is recommended that you clean the whole house, do your laundry and keep some loose clothes within easy reach, which you can put on easily by avoiding your nose. You can also hire a house cleaner or ask your family and friends to lend you a helping hand with errands, driving you to appointments and with child care or pet care. When you are all prepared with the help that you might be needed in the future you would feel less stuck or guilty asking for help at the last minute.

Stock up on snacks, straws, books and whatever you would need to help you get through the recovery period. You might feel a bit nauseous for a few days after undergoing the procedure due to general anaesthetic. Stock your fridge with light meals, pudding, yoghurt and other easy to eat items. Remember to keep yourself hydrated.

Set up more than one recovery space for yourself as one room can get boring too fast. You would need a lot of firm cushions and a raised head on your bed to help you keep your face elevated while supporting your neck and shoulders.

For a lot of people, rhinoplasty can effectively make their nose more proportional to the rest of their face. Just like other surgical procedures, patients can expect some downtime from this nose job. Thus, it is imperative to know the steps to take to ensure optimal healing. The patient must follow their surgeon’s instructions for their recovery. 


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