How Low-Level Laser Therapy Delivers Pain Relief


Many people live with chronic pain every day.  Fortunately, for these desperate patients, there are different types of treatments that can help them manage the pain; one of them is low-level laser therapy.

Low-intensity laser therapy is a light source that generates pure, single wavelength light without thermal effects.

In this post, we look at how low-level intensity laser therapy relieves pain. Keep it here!

Clinical Indications of Low-Level Intensity Laser

The low-level laser acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and accelerates the repair of connective tissue cells. The low-level laser therapy is used in the treatment of muscle disorders and pain.

Wound Healing

The healing process is complicated. Depending on the lesion, it’s necessary to intervene with specific procedures to avoid discomfort to the patient.

The application of low-power laser can excite lymphocytes and promote their activation and proliferation, significantly contributing to the facilitation of healing. Also, they help in displacing epithelial cells and decreasing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators.

Some studies already show that the laser can increase the production of ATP, increase the speed of mitosis, and stimulate microcirculation. In this way, it generates new blood vessels that improve the healing process.

Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

Other indications still under study include laser therapy for the treatment pressure ulcers, popularly known as bedsores. These are wounds in some parts of the body due to the immobility of patients undergoing hospitalization.

In this case, low-level laser therapy applied at scheduled intervals has improved the appearance of these bullous formations and reduced the pain attributed to contact with them.

Decreased Chronic Pain

Low-intensity lasers reduce chronic pain, especially fibromyalgia.

People who suffer from muscle pain are unable to carry out daily activities comfortably and, because of a latent painful situation, many patients resort to drug treatments or surgeries in hopes of eliminating the pain. However, they often do not reach the therapeutic objective.

Low power laser therapy comes with a less invasive strategy and with an inherent analgesic potential. The primary researches demonstrate that this type of laser blocks the conduction of the nervous stimulus, thus decreasing the brain’s perception of pain.

Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Paresthesia

Paresthesia is a disease related to an injury to the neural tissue, which causes tingling or discomfort to the patient. As it is nerve damage, it can affect several areas of the body.

Laser therapy is used to reduce the uncomfortable sensation, helping the patient to resume his daily activities. In this sense, the laser sessions will be determined according to the recovery and the affected area.

Other benefits of applying laser therapy are tissue repair and the optimization of blood microcirculation, an essential condition to help nerve cells free from other injuries.

Bottom Line

Laser therapy is a therapeutic strategy that is capable of treating several clinical conditions. It will be up to the physiotherapist to know this practice deeply, acquire the necessary technology, and guide patients on the benefits and risks of its application.

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