Here Are 8 Things To Note About Eye Donation


Eye donation is gaining popularity in some countries like India. Choosing to donate eyes after death is a very noble decision and it is widely encouraged by NGOs who are engaged in eye donation activities. If you’re planning to become an eye donor, the following are some points that you need to take note of.

  1. It is totally free

 It will not cost you anything to become an eye donor because the full cost of the organ transplant will be borne by the recipient. Therefore you do not need to have any funds in order to donate eyes.

  1. Any person can become an eye donor

 If you decide to become an eye donor there is no discrimination in terms of age, religion or gender. You can register online with an NGO that deals with eye donations and you will be included on their register of eye donors.

  1. The success rate of eye transplants is high

 You will be pleased to know that the success rate of eye transplants is very high because the risk of the recipient’s body rejecting the new cornea is almost zero.

  1. Eye donation does not disfigure the face

 Once your eyes have been harvested after death it will not interfere with the shape and structure of your face. Your family members will be able to conduct your funeral without the fear that you will have a disfigured face. 

  1. After death the eyes should be harvested within 6 hours

 Once you have pledged to become an eye donor then the NGO that is handling the eye donation will organise to harvest your eyes within 6 hours of your death.

  1. It is not the whole eye that is used during the transplant

 It is also important to note that the recipient will not need the entire eye. It is only the cornea that will be used. During the eye transplant, the damaged cornea of the recipient will be replaced with the healthy cornea of your eye.

  1. Corneas that are not suitable for transplant can still be used

If your cornea is found to be unsuitable for transplant then it can still be used for research.  This means that your pledge to become an eye donor will still be beneficial even in cases where the eyes may not be suitable for a transplant

  1. People with diabetes and hypertension can become eye donors.

 If you happen to suffer from diabetes or hypertension, this will not hinder you from becoming an eye donor. You are free to register as an eye donor.


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