Explore Paris from the Water for Unique Thrill
Paris is an amazing city. From the Museum of art and history to the Eiffel Tower, every part of this great city is truly impressive. And you know what? This thrill will be unforgettable when you explore Paris from the water. Here are some of the experiences to anticipate.
A Guided Tour on Saint-Martin Canal
This guided tour will take you around Saint-Martin Canal crossing from one bank to another as you experience the different Paris streets. The canal project was established and opened by Napoleon 1st to help Parisians from walking too much. It also helped to bring water closer to the people.
The Canal Saint-Martin is the best place to catch amazing attractions of Paris history. When the canal was built, it was lined with warehouses, factories, and cafes. It was considered the home of the industrial and working class.
The canal was also the home of the communards, including La Grisette and Jouvert Louis, who were considered part of the last components of the French Resistance. The guided tours will help you to see the remnants factories, bridges, and the mythical Hotel du Nord. This is one tour you cannot miss!
Discover Seine and St Martin on a Cruise
This cruise tour starts from Musée d’OrsayMuseum and will take you to the most amazing attractions in Paris. First, it will take you through Tuileriesgardens, the Louvr where you will see the amazing passerelle des Arts and the lovely private hotels of île Saint-Louis. Other amazing attractions include the génie de la Bastille (the spirit of freedom) that stares at you from 52 meters column. You will also go under a 2 km dark vault, see Jaurès lock, romantic footbridges, and experience spots used in the movie Hôtel du Nord. There is so much to see on this tour!
Ride on a Cruise Ship on Canal Saint-Martin
This will be a romantic cruise trip that will allow you to explore the history of Paris in style. The ride starts from Port de plaisance Paris-Arsenal near the Bastille. This will be a great moment to the attractive banks with lovely 100-year-old trees carefully lined along the banks. Other attractions include Lift Bridges and La Villette Basin. The cruise ship will also take you through the voûte de la Bastille (an underground vault) shroud in mystery.
To learn more and enjoy visiting these attractions, among others, visit us here to book your seat.