Designing A Map? Crucial Things To Keep In Mind


A good map is a great way to establish effective communication and above all, be your guide when somewhere new. As a cartographer, there are so many things you have to keep in mind and one would be the accuracy of the 3D map (แผนที่ 3d, which is the term in Thai). One mistake and you would be creating hassle for people rather than helping them. Here are some pointers which would help you be an expert when it comes to maps not just 2D but 3D as well.

Be Considerate Of Geographic Boundaries

The way you map the geographic area will have a huge impact on the way you use other cartographic considerations as well as use the various symbology. Accuracy as mentioned is of vital importance and the map should always be restricted to what the subject data of the map is.

Be Conscious of the Data Elements

When it comes to putting background data, there are two reasons behind it- to offer support to the map’s subjective matter and for orientation. Therefore, choosing data that would be relevant, lucid and easy to understand is of great importance.

You cannot mention an old street which has been remodelled and been given a new name. Cluttering is one thing you should avoid at any cost when designing a map, it could lead to dilution of the message you want to represent through your map.

Be Cautious About Symbolization

When it comes to symbolization, there are certain things that could break the map. The correct lines, icons as well as labelling matters a great deal, it affects the visual representation, readability.

Consider the audience who would be looking at your map the most and design a 3D map accordingly. A map that would be dedicated to children would contain more colours and less symbol complexity.


With Google maps and GIS data, they have made access to maps in real-time pretty easy. Having accurate legends play a vital role in the build-up of a map. Poor legends make deciphering the map tough, legends should be readable, not cluttered at all and should be legible too.

Being Cautious of the Map Elements

Knowing and making sure all the map elements are accurately presented is of vital importance. It should come with a very clear title, there should be a notation on the scale and for orientation, an arrow mark.

Offering metadata helps your viewers get reliable information including sources of data, the datasets or any other information. Also, mention who the author of the map is so that reference could be given appropriately.

When undergoing designing a map, another pair of eyes gives you the confidence that you are doing it right. Peer review is important to know about map accuracy. Therefore, these are some of the things to be aware of when it comes to mapping designing so that ultimately it gets positive feedback from all.

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