Art For Good Cause: Best Platform For Budding Artists

Once, very correctly quoted by Mother Teresa, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love”.
If we turn the pages of books of history related to art, we will find that there have been multiple instances when art has been used as a medium to save the environment. It has been very truly said that history repeats itself. History is repeating itself, as “Art for a good cause” is trying its best to save the environment through the means of art.
The principle idea behind this initiative, “Art for a good cause” is that it’ll provide a common platform to artists all across the globe. It will provide them a stage so that they can talk about various forms of art such as Youth and Tobacco, Global warming, Kids and social media, etc. through their art form.
The brain behind this initiative
The brain behind this great initiative is Jibin George. He is a person who has learned all of the techniques in art, himself with the help of online materials, discussions with other artists. Jibin George hails from Kerala in India. The person has been in the process of creating some beautiful pieces of art since 2012. If we talk about the current times, then he is living in USA, Texas. He is the brain behind linking social issues and different forms of art through the most common term art for a good cause. Although, the phrase has been used multiple times in the past, but he want to bring such a large number of artists on a common platform at a time. Jibin George has run anti-tobacco art campaigns in 2019 with the help of Carolyn Goodridge the Director of ArtImpatInternational.
This initiative was started to try and make people understand the impact of hypocrisy in society. The inspiration was not a particular person, but the changes that he saw in humans through similar initiatives. He saw how people are becoming selfish every day. Through his efforts, he wants people to understand the impact of it on problems such as Global warming, Pollution, Harmful effect of Tobacco, and other such things.
Role of art in changing the world
Art is very strong as well as a powerful medium which is being used by people all around the world to communicate with each other. Art is something that has transcended barriers. It has brought people from a variety of backgrounds, races, cultures as well as lifestyle together to work for a greater cause.