6 Ultimate Signs You Need To Change Your Toilet Bowl


When it comes to remodelling your bathroom, a new toilet bowl in your Singapore home can completely transform the appearance and feel of the space. Most of the time, when you’re having issues with your toilet, you may safely assume that it only needs repair.

Because having the correct information is so important, here’s a guide to show you when to replace your toilet.

1. Random clogs

Clogs are a widespread problem, and repeated or unexpected clogs that show up numerous times a week may need some replacing. Choosing a new toilet bowl in Singapore may be done by looking for models that have automated toilet flush systems.

2. Always repairing

Repairing a toilet once or twice is workable, but they come at a price in terms of time and money. If the problem continues, you should consider the repair expenses vs purchasing a new toilet. It’s best to research the best toilet bowl brands in Singapore if you want to save on cost.

3. Obvious cracks

If you see water pools surrounding your toilet bowl in your Singapore home, check to see if there are cracks in the porcelain. Even if your toilet is working correctly, a leaking bowl may waste a lot of water.

4. Wrong flushing

You may save money on your water bill by purchasing a new toilet that uses less water. It’s best to check out brands that offer the best toilet flush systems to help you save more on water use.

5. Water stains

If you have hard water, you’ll find it hard to remove rust spots on the bowl’s interior. You can quickly remedy that eyesore by buying from the best toilet brands in Singapore.

6. Upgrade needs

You can replace your old low-flush flush toilets with a newer, more efficient toilet bowl. You may save resources and have a better flushing experience with a new bathroom.

Are you on a hunt for the best toilet bowl? Transform your bathroom with the help of TOTO Asia Oceania! Aside from toilets, they also offer other essentials like a rain shower head in Singapore. Check out their products today!

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