4 Reasons Why Youths Should Join Foundations in Singapore


Volunteering is always a noble choice if you’re a youth looking for an extracurricular activity. By joining foundations in Singapore, you’ll have access to many opportunities to lend a helping hand and impact the community. If you’re thinking about volunteering, here are the top four benefits and reasons you won’t regret it.


When you join foundations in Singapore, you’ll often have opportunities to join fellowships, especially artistic ones that encourage fellows to use their creative talent to help the community. If you’re an artist of any genre, joining an arts fellowship will help you improve your art and contribute to a cause simultaneously. For example, if you’re a dancer, you can participate in a workshop for younger children where you teach them a dance routine.


One of the programmes that foundations organise is cultural fellowship. These fellowships enable you to meet someone from another volunteering organisation. Through this program, you’ll get a more extensive insight into another culture and be able to share your own. You might even find yourself keeping a lifelong friend. You’ll also be able to bond by spending time together volunteering or setting something up, such as a program for children with less access to quality education


Saying that you have volunteered before in your recipe is a massive bonus to recruiters. It shows you’re hard-working and selfless, with a cause you want to fight for without expecting anything in return. Putting your volunteering experience in your resume can help give you a massive boost in your professional development, whether you’re looking for an internship or a job. This experience will help you further if you’re applying for a social enterprise in Singapore since the recruiters already know you share the same values.


Besides all the advantages you’ll get in your personal life and professional development, being able to help those in need will make you feel better about yourself. Your contribution to an art or cultural fellowship will never disappear, and knowing you did something good will make you feel better. If you’ve been battling self-esteem and self-worth issues, you can redirect that energy towards a cause.

Are you looking for foundations in Singapore to volunteer? Singapore International Foundation holds arts and cultural fellowships and even volunteer corporations to help rural areas and children without access to quality education. Start your volunteering journey now by learning more from their website. Contact them today!

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