Writing a personal statement is the most crucial element of every college application. A personal statement commonly known as the college essay is a part of each student’s admission application. Several students have similar or mostly the same results and scores but the personal statement is what sets every apprentice apart. There are countless personal statement writing services on the internet but why hire someone when a student is capable enough to write one on their own by incorporating the 5 easy steps when writing their statement. Continue reading if you want to know what are these steps we are talking about. 

Individuals should distinguish their determinations and ambitions: It’s essential to talk about the things individuals want to accomplish or acquire in the future such as they want to startup a small business, they want to start writing a book on a particular topic they want to help people, and anything they want to do and is passionate about. Identify those things and mention it in your statement.  

Individuals should talk about their passion and experiences: Focus on explaining your passion and experiences you’ve had in the past. This is directly related to what one has to achieve in the future. Talk about personal growth, where one began from, and where they are at the moment. Individuals should talk about the challenges they have overcome, something about them that has changed with time or something they have encountered. Talk about passions, something they like to do in their leisure time, and something they are drawn to, an athletic, or some other skills. Do they like attending family gatherings, do they like their culture, etc.   

Individuals should correspond to their determinations and experiences: It’s a no brainer, of course, an individual’s experiences, determinations, and ambitious should not be contradicting, hence, corresponding these things are an essential part of each personal statement. Understand the values and past experiences and then relate your future achievements, passions with it. Your statements should be clear to the reader when writing a personal statement.  

Make an outline and start writing the first draft: Write brief points and paragraphs before you start writing the first draft. It is commonly known as making an outline. Once the outline is made, it’s time to start writing the first draft. Don’t worry about making a perfect draft, it is just a rough sketch of what the final essay will look like, write the first draft and start getting feedback on it, discuss it with your friends and family and listen to what they have to say about it. Take their feedback positively and make changes to it accordingly. There is no rush, you have plenty to time to make your personal statement the best thing you have ever written. So take it easy and slowly.  

Final Statement: Once individuals get all the required feedback it’s now time to write the final statement. We recommend students get some external professional help at this moment from personal statement writing services. They can even ask for guidance from their teachers, parents, or acquaintances. If you follow the proper guidance and incorporate these 5 rules you will produce a top-quality personal statement in not more than 2 3 days.  


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