Why Should You Choose to Use Circle Hooks While Practicing A Catch and Release


With the use of circle hooks, it is possible to enhance the survival rate of an angler released fish. Due to their success for many species of game fish, now these hooks are increasingly used for common recreational species like bream, kingfish, and flathead.

Several studies have proved that the most influential factor affecting the fish survival that released by anglers will relate to where your fish was hooked. Particularly, survival is shown to be reduced greatly for fish, which are very deeply hooked in their throat or beyond.

You can get plenty of reviews about all kinds of fishing gears on the website of All Fishing Gear so that before you buy any of them, you can take an informed decision.

The following are a few reasons why circle hooks generally a preferred option for many.

1. Circle hooks can “set the hook”

Because of the nature of the setting of the circle hook the timing of your hook-set will be less crucial. Hence, circle hooks can be great for unskilled and, even for a lazy angler.  Kids, beginners, and tourists can benefit greatly from these circle hooks.

2. Usually, circle hooks catch fish around the mouth’s corner

By using circle hooks you can always catch fish right in its mouth corner. Your line will be kept far away from the toothy or rough part of your mouth. This will offer a better chance to land your fish before it is chewed through your fluorocarbon leader.

3. Circle hooks always minimize the hook’s swallowing

Another biggest reason for using the circle hooks is, they greatly lower the chances of any gut-hooking a fish.  As the design will create a smaller gap in between your hook point and shank of your hook and also because your hook point will be angled inward.

Such design will offer a much less chance that the hooking point will grab just a part of the throat of the fishes.

4. Used for both saltwater and freshwater fisheries

You can use circle hooks in both saltwater and also freshwater fisheries for causing less harm for catching and releasing species.

5. Circle hooks are available in wide varieties of sizes

You can get circle hooks in a large range of sizes right from a tiny sized 32 to a size 19/0. So, they can always be used on all types of species that are caught on your hook and line. While buying circle hooks, you must consider the fish size that you want to target and the bait which you want to use.

6. Can prevent even gut hooked fish

The circle hooks can also prevent fish that are gut hooked since their shape will not permit them to easily get caught within the gut cavity. Generally, the hook slides toward the resistance point and embeds itself within the fish’s mouth corner.

For beginning anglers, circle hooks will be perfect for learning and get the right feel. Prefer to check your fishing rules specific to your location so that you know about the right seasons, sizes, limits of gear requirement.

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