Which Floor Coating is Right for Your Facility


Many details come into play when you’re building or updating your facility, but one that often goes unnoticed or considered is the way your concrete slab floors look. After all, concrete slabs are highly functional but not very visually appealing!

In addition to the visual aspect, each facility and building requires a different level of care for the floors. By considering these few things, you’ll be able to deduce which floor coating is best for your facility quickly.

Determine the Facility’s Needs

The first step in finding a floor coating that suits your facility’s needs is determining exactly what those needs might be! Some of the main things you’ll have to consider are whether your floors will be enduring a high level of machine traffic or unusual temperatures.

Utilize non-slip coatings for high foot traffic areas to keep your employees and yourself safe, or add in some color to make it more appealing for the showroom area!

Check the Moisture Levels

One of the downsides of a concrete slab floor is that it is porous and often retains some residual moisture from the atmosphere or soil. By conducting a moisture test, you’ll then be able to find a type of coating that won’t blister or crack within only a few days.

This type of test can also help you solve problems like whether you’ll need a moisture control system within your facility to begin. As a moisture control system enables you to track the amount of moisture produced, it can also help you save money or prevent waste throughout the entire facility.

Research Everything!

Every floor coating is different and has different benefits and different downsides. Spend time researching each brand to ensure it will benefit your whole facility and not cause problems down the road.

While reading through the package instructions and the company’s material, take some time to read reviews online. Some may not offer any good advice, but they’ll help you understand what the floor coating can do precisely and any issues that previous users came across. As you take each review with a grain of salt, you can quickly understand what the coating can do for your company.

Top Coatings for High Traffic Floors

Epoxy coatings are the most easily accessible types of floor coatings on the market, but they’re not ideal for high-traffic floors in any facility or area. This type of coating is perfect for a base coat, but it won’t last long in places where you’ll be driving much machinery, or there will be a lot of walking. Start with the epoxy base coat and add a high-traffic urethane on top! You’ll have a well-crafted high-traffic area for your facility in no time.


The key to putting in the perfect coating for your facility is to take time to evaluate your needs, perform any necessary tests, and research everything involved with the type of floor coating you might need. Visit garagefloorcoatingofnashville.com for the best and professional floor coating services.

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