What Are The Advantages Of A Waterproofing Product?


The interior of the house must be kept dry so it is important to waterproof the house. The infiltration of water can cause building damages, insect infestation, and mold. If you have waterproofed your house then you can escape from the above-mentioned problems. Water seepage problems during monsoon season can also be prevented using waterproofing. In this article let us discuss the different types of waterproofing products and advantages of each waterproofing product.


The penetration of water into the house is prevented using a method called waterproofing. Waterproofing is considered to be very important since it keeps the house dry during monsoon season. It also reduces humidity, as a result, it prevents lots of damages caused by humidity.

Benefits of waterproofing product:

A waterproofing product can be installed both outside and inside the house. The type of waterproofing method depends on the type of the building, level of damage and also as per the house owner’s need. You can do waterproofing by yourself or if needed you can hire contractors. The value of the house increases is another advantage of waterproofing the house. It prevents the water seepage and growth of the mold which may affect the health of the family members. Moisture content in the house affect the wood and metals, as a result, it will affect the total foundation and also the value of the house decreases. The house area can be increased if you waterproof the basement of the house. It also increases the sale value of the house.

Different types of waterproofing:

●      Brick bet:

It is used to seal water leakage and cracks. It improves the aesthetic of the house by hiding the untidy marks on the walls of the house. For applying brick bet waterproofing you must clean the surface in which you are planning to install and also remove the debris from it. Next, apply cement, chemical and raddo of water on the cleaned surface. Finally fix the china mosaic tile.

●      Poly Acrylic waterproof coating:

It is one of the best waterproofing types. The breakage and cracks on the terrace and walls are sealed using the prepared poly acrylic solution. It will preserve and protect the strength of the building. This must be applied by a professional and trained worker. It is recommended to use good quality products for better results. First, clean the surface then apply the mixed solution on the cracks then apply two coatings of the polyacrylic solution on all the surfaces.

Roof repairing before monsoon season:

If your building and structure have leakage or cracks then it must be repaired before the monsoon season. If you are constructing a new building or structure then it is better to waterproof to prevent it from the cracks and leakage. Waterproofing will improve the quality and the life of the building and structure. The rain must not create damage to the building. Waterproofing the building can be done once in a year or at least it must be done once in three years.

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