What Advantages Do You Get From Fire Doors?

The first benefit of the fire doors is that they are used to stop a fire from spreading throughout your property. So, in case there is any fire-related accident such doors come in really handy. Having such a door makes sure that you get the time to evacuate people safely without suffering any damage at all. This is the main reason why you would see that fire doors are being installed with such regularity at establishments such as industries, corporate buildings, private complexes, apartments, and shopping malls, to name a few. These fire doors could be made from various materials such as glass, steel, and timber.
It all depends on what you want the door to be made of.
They are better than the normal glass doors:
- So, are you still wondering why you should consider installing a fire door?
- Well, there are so many reasons when you come to think of it
- First of all, they are a lot better than the usual glass doors
- They can withstand the effect of fire for a longer time and this is why they can stop the spread of fire as much as they can
- When you have such a door in your property you would get 30 minutes more to get to safety compared to what would happen with an ordinary door
They are made from non-toxic materials
- If you ever get fire door testing done you would know that these products are made from non-poisonous materials
- This is why even when they are subjected to fire or any other such external agent they would never produce any toxic fumes when they are burning
- These doors are also available only in some specific colours
They are especially useful in establishments such as school
- Just imagine what would happen if there was ever a fire in a school and the fire response service was late in arriving
- How many lives would be lost that way?
- However, with fire door installation any such tragedy can be averted to an appreciable extent In fact, when you have such doors in your school building you can get the children out without any harm coming to them
- It would be even better if you can install an alarm with such a door because in that case the students and others present in the school building would be alerted to the danger early on
They stop the fire from spreading to nearby buildings as well
- This is how installing a fire door is also an indication of how socially responsible you are
- These doors make sure that the fire in your building does not spread to that of your neighbour’s
- It makes sure that the damage to be suffered by properties is limited to the least
They come with sensors
- This makes sure that you can operate them automatically
- This is why if there is a fire the alarm bells would start ringing
- You can easily operate these doors by using remote controllers
- This is one of the major reasons and benefits of installing fire doors in Sydney public places
The timber fire doors
- You can always get your fire doors made from timber
- These doors are usually installed in offices and big apartments
- In these cases, heat-resistant glass is insulated to them by using the likes of wire mesh
- However, you need to make sure that you get fire door testing done in these cases at regular intervals to make sure that they are functioning well
The steel fire doors
- The fire doors made from steel and their stainless variety are used mostly in commercial applications such as industries and the kitchens of restaurants
- One of the biggest benefits of such fire door installation is that they can be maintained with ease
- They also provide a much higher degree of resistance to fire
They can offer great sound insulation as well
- These doors are thick and heavy, and this is something that cannot be doubted at all as well
- This is why they offer such great sound insulation facilities too, especially when you compare them to the other doors that are used for residential and commercial applications
- Let us say you have a washing machine or tumble dryer in your utility room
- In that case, if you have a fire door or two they would dampen the noise that can emanate from such loud appliances
- When you consider the fact that they can contain the fire that may happen because of such appliances this is a bonus for sure
They look great
- There was a time when fire doors used to be plain and simple ugly with their wood grain and bayou standards
- These days, technology has improved the look of these products significantly
- Now you have these doors in so many different kinds of designs such as panelled and glazed
- In this case, you also need not worry that the design would hamper the performance of the product in any way
- Still, it would be better to get fire door testing done from time to time on these doors to make sure that they are in the best condition for a long time
They feel great
As we have said already, these doors are about as thick and solid as they come. Therefore, they feel so better than the internal doors that are usually used in these products. The main reason for this great feeling is the weight that these doors have.
It is this weight that makes them feel sturdy and bulky. At the time of fire door installation, you may not consider the great feel to be an advantage as such. However, this would pay off in spades when you try to sell your property later on. If you have such doors in your office or house it would surely make a great first impression on the buyers. So, in a nutshell, the fire doors would push up the value of your property. You also need not worry that they would be too expensive for you.