The Estate Agent


Are you looking at buying or investing in properties? Perhaps you want to sell properties? Neither of these two, you might want to rent properties, avail of letting and management, landlord’s insurance, or improve your spaces with furnishing or decorating. Even if you read up on articles over the Internet perhaps, people will highly recommend that you partner with estate agents. Of course, you may always work on these on your own, without a real estate agent helping you along the way, but it will be a difficult process. Mind you, not everyone is knowledgeable about property investments, and the like.

There are several reasons why people choose not to hire real estate agents. For one, they have the notion that their inquiries are not being responded to. There are also clients who believe that agents are not punctual. Then, they believe some agents lack transparency. For them, real estate agents are just after the commissions, so they see a lack of hard work. Lastly, they notice agents may lack empathy.

While these may be true, not all estate agents are the same, and you will undoubtedly be able to find agents who stay true to their word, who are diligent in their work, and who provide tangible results. Hiring estate agents the right way, meaning you have studied them thoroughly to make sure they will not fail, will take your property investment or selling needs to new horizons. It is still a good choice to hire estate agents.

But before proceeding with the hire, it is imperative that you are able to know who the estate agents are, and what they can do when buying, investing or selling properties.

Let us take a look at the duties and responsibilities of estate agents Docklands investors are into partnering with, as well as investors in other locations across the country and the globe.

Responsibilities Of Estate Agents

What are the things that estate agents, such as estate agents Canary Wharf investors partner with and worldwide, do? What are their responsibilities? Read on.

First, estate agents are taking charge of gathering client information. They directly coordinate and meet with buyers and sellers. They provide clients with information on the price range, target area, or the asking price if clients are looking at selling properties. They will also ask you what amenities you are looking for in the property, as well as your timeline and financial data.

Estate agents are also in charge of locating properties for sale. They determine this according to the preferences and criteria of their clients. They provide clients with the data to review, and when they wish to sell properties, they offer clients information on related listings and pricing trends.

The real estate agent also will visit the property or accompany their clients to property visits. With these, they advise their clients about the features and potential issues about the property. During the visit, they continue communicating with clients on the clients’ demands.

These professionals also negotiate the sale of the property. On behalf of the clients, estate agents negotiate the price and sales agreements. They arrive at a price agreeable and acceptable to all parties. Once done, the sale proceeds to the contract where negotiations may still happen.

Moreover, estate agents also monitor leasing activities, for both residential and commercial properties. They handle negotiations with the landlords and agreements on the lease on behalf of their clients.

Lastly, these agents support activities on marketing and promotions. In this way, they can expand their reach when it comes to their clients. They may send out email marketing campaigns, be present in networking events, or get referrals from their clients. Plus, so much more.


Whether you are aiming at purchasing or selling properties, the benefits outweigh the probable issues that may come forward, so it is still a great choice to partner with estate agents. You can find estate agents who are licensed and qualified, possess connections in the industry and understand the trends in the market today, helping you land on the right decisions.

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