Reasons why you should start a business in Singapore


Singapore is a financial center and is known as the “Four Little Dragons of Asia.” It is the fourth-largest financial center in the world, after London, New York, and Hong Kong, after which it is the third-largest. Singapore has become more popular with our clients from around the world as a place to start a business in Asia. In Singapore, there is a “little red dot.” Entrepreneurs from all over the world want to come here because of it. Today, we’ll look at the benefits of setting up a business in Singapore, including the benefits for business growth, tax benefits, and personal life. Know it all with the Ultimate Guide: Company Incorporation by Foreigners.

The first reason is that the procedures are very easy to follow and do

Companies like Singapore because the process of setting up a business is simple and cheap. To start a business in Singapore, you must be a Singaporean or a permanent resident and be at least 18 years old. The registration process could be done in 1-3 working days. The corporation that is formed can easily handle both domestic and international business. If you have any questions about setting up a business in Singapore, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at any time. With BizFile  it works fine.

Because the company has a lot of money in its account, this is the second reason

Singaporean citizens only need to pay S$1 to start a new business in Singapore. It doesn’t matter if you’re from outside the country. Most of the time, the amount of capital our service team recommends to our customers is based on the real company, the type of business they have, and the difficulties they have getting a corporate bank account for them. You can pay the full amount of your share of the company’s registered capital at any time. TASSURE ASIA GROUP’s team of secretaries will take care of filling out the paperwork and paying the fees required by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority in line with Singapore’s company law.

None of this is because of double taxation and a low rate of corporation tax

Most countries in the world have signed agreements to avoid double taxation and to protect investments. Singapore has a single corporate income tax policy that applies to both local and international businesses, and this policy is the same for both. Companies in Singapore can also get a lot of help with their taxes. According to the most recent policy, for companies that are new and start up in 2020 or after that, the first S$100,000 of chargeable income is 75 percent free.


The second S$100,000 of chargeable income is 50 percent free. Now, taxes on corporate income are 17. People in Singapore pay a personal income tax rate that ranges from 2% to 22%. Dividends paid to shareholders are not taxed. Many businesses find the Singapore tax exemption to be one of the best things about the country.


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