Reasons Why Newton Can Help Your Sales Promotions


If companies want to influence their customers into buying their products, then it is best for them to invest in their sales promotions. These promotions encourage customers to make purchases or request more information about a company’s product. The tricky part nowadays is that the competition between these companies’ sales promotions have become tighter, and every company must be creative in the way they execute their different marketing strategies.

One thing a company can implement is the use of electronic shelf labels. If you are not familiar with these electronic price labels, they are used to display the prices of a company’s products on shelves, which can be updated anytime prices go up. The benefits of electronic shelf labels is that they make the shopping experience more convenient for customers encouraging them to make more purchases or share it with people they know.

One of the trusted companies when it comes to sales promotions and electronic shelf labels is SOLUM. SOLUM’s electronic shelf labels are powered bytheir system called the Newton. Newton has features that are capable of enhancing sales promotion executions. Its screen resolution has been upgraded by 20%, making the display on screens clearer, and with Newton’s ability to support a location-based service, retail analysis can be obtained so companies can promote their products by changing their position to the bestselling area. 

Newton also has a built-in NFC that gives customers the ability to link their phones with a company’s online website and download a digital coupon. These digital coupons will usually excite customers, and with Newton’s interactive button, these customers can interact with your store much easier.

These are some of the reasons why Newton can help your company’s  sales promotions. If you are interested in learning more, you can check out this infographic prepared by our friends over at SOLUM. 

5 Reasons Why Newton is Your Key to Sales Promotions

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