Fundraisers for cheerleaders that work.


Fundraisers for cheerleaders are organized by the cheer squad. This is done to support the cheer squad with their financial needs. As we all know, forming a group of cheerleaders requires an ample amount of money.  For help with your cheer fundraising, visit Fundraising Zone.

Cheerleaders need different sets of uniforms for every game season. They travel far from their location and might need hotel accommodations. They need a food allowance and fees for season tournaments. All these require a lot of money to spend on a cheerleading group. To raise enough funds, the cheerleading squad needs to follow some steps to a successful cheerleading fundraising.

So how do you run a successful fundraiser for your cheer squad?

A successful fundraiser is measured not just by the amount of money raised, but also how donors experience unforgettable participation with your fundraiser. Before you think of all the planning, think first on what things to offer to your would-be donors. Remember, donors need something that will help them remember their contributions to your cheerleading fundraising campaign.

Have a Detailed Plan

Planning is necessary for any organization. It gives everyone a clear image of what steps to follow to attain a goal. Without a plan, things can go worse, especially to a fundraising campaign.

In the planning stage, a goal must be set. There are necessary steps to follow to reach the goal. For cheerleading fundraising, activities must be listed. List all the fundraisers that will be integrated with the main cheer fundraiser. Some ideas to include are:

  • Popcorn fundraiser
  • Cookie dough fundraiser
  • Pre-portioned cookie dough fundraiser
  • Edible cookie dough fundraiser
  • Car wash fundraiser
  • Snacks fundraiser
  • Gift wrap selling/service and etc.

Form Groups or Teams for Various Tasks

Grouping your volunteers and participants will help delegate and ease various tasks. For example, assign a group for the budget and financial accountability. A team for promotion must also be formed. They will be tasked to advertise the fundraising campaign. Follow up team shall also be formed to send thank you notes and tokens of gratitude to donors. Lastly, don’t forget to choose a fundraiser manager who will oversee each group’s work.

Set up a Budget Plan

Setting up a budget plan is the task of the budget or financial team. A budget draft shall be made, as it may play an important part in persuading prospective sponsors to donate. A budget plan also determines if a fundraiser will be profitable. It can also be used to measure if the fundraiser is getting close to its target amount.

Exhaust Every Possible Promotion Method

Promotion plays an important role in getting enough participants, volunteers, and sponsors to your cheerleading fundraising. Every promotion method is important. Check the list below and see what methods fit your fundraiser for cheer groups.

  • Print ads like flyers, posters, letters to sponsors, and brochures
  • Email letter for cheerleading fundraising
  • Print newsletters
  • Digital flyers, posters, and brochures
  • Webpages
  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, etc.
  • Online Crowdsourcing

Remember, use every promotion method that you can, especially the digital promotion methods. Most of the digital promotion methods are free. Moreover, online presence reaches a wide range of audiences, and this could mean more sponsors to support your cheerleading fundraising.

Follow up with your Participants, Supporters, and Sponsors

People feel appreciated when they are acknowledged properly. Following up with your participants, supporters, and sponsors are kind gestures of appreciation. A simple thank you note and sending small tokens of appreciation will do, but you can do better.

Sponsors shared their hard-earned money to your cheerleading fundraising, and it is but just to give them something more in return. How about thanking them all via your social media pages? Featuring your sponsors in your monthly newsletter is a form of advertising. Your sponsors would surely appreciate this free advertising.

Another way of thanking them is by asking them to have pictures with the whole cheerleading squad. Your group can post the pictures in web pages, and social media accounts and thank each sponsor for their donation. This thankful gesture also helps advertise their business for free. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

With all this kind of appreciation, you show the true integrity of your cheerleading fundraising. The next time you ask them for sponsorship, these donors will be more likely to donate again to your cause. Next time, you will no longer have a hard time convincing prospective sponsors to donate. More likely, these rich sponsors will help you get referrals to some of their rich colleagues.

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