Enhance the Look of Your Reef Aquarium with Those Soft Live Corals


Initially, people maintaining aquariums were using dead coral skeletons or crushed coral bottoms as a piece of decoration. However, now you will see aquariums designed with soft live corals, which are very easy to be taken care of. You will see a variety of these corals, which can easily adapt to this aquarium life. 

Many soft corals that you see in these aquariums would not even require intense light to survive. They work well with low to moderate lighting, simple water movement and good reef like conditions. As the corals survive through the nutrition absorbed from the water, they can very much survive in good, but not the best water conditions too. If you are looking to buy these soft live coral for sale Australia and that too at the best price, then you should try the Akva store, which is open for these aquatic products kept for auction. 

Apart from corals, they do have many other aquatic products like fish, plants, Invertebrates and many more.

Let us look at the different types of corals that are available in the market:

  • Cladiella Corals: Also called finger leather corals or colt corals. They are hard corals that adapt well to this aquarium environment. They are slimy to touch but not so soft enough to handle. They can flourish, grow and reproduce well.
  • Discosoma Corals: Also called mushroom corals and disc anemones. They require less light and do not need bright light. These corals feed themselves by eating small fish. When living in an aquarium, they can feed on uneaten food or detritus, which gets deposited on them by water currents. 
  • Pachyclavularia Corals: Also called star polyps or green star polyps. These corals are sensitive to iodine solution (which are in the form of Lugol’s solution) and aluminium oxide, which is found in the phosphate-removing sponges. They are very much tolerant to both the bright and low light and different level of water currents. They can adjust to any environment in the aquarium and can reproduce and grow at any level.
  • Palythoa Corals: Also known as sea mat and button polyps. They can do well in rapid water movements and can tolerate low lights. However, when it comes to growth they can do well under bright light. They should be placed well in the aquarium because they can outgrow any other corals too.
  • Protopalythoa Corals: This is also called a sea mat and button polyps. They are tolerant of many lighting conditions but they grow well with bright lights. They are active feeders which are feeding on large items.
  • Sarcophyton Corals: Also called toadstool mushroom, mushroom leather and trough corals. They are hard to touch and can bear low to moderate currents. They can work well to keep the predators and other parasites away from the surface. They can adjust to any level of lighting and can feed well on nutrients that are absorbed directly from the seawater.

To create that actual feeling of coral reef habitat is complex. In short, creating that whole reef ecosystem in an aquarium is challenging. 

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