Dieting Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make

Thinking about going on a diet? Don’t get caught out by these simple dieting mistakes many people make! Whilst some of these mistakes are relatively harmless in the long run, some dieting mistakes can have long-term negative health effects.
The “All Or Nothing” Approach
How many times have you seen or read about someone going through their pantry, refrigerator and kitchen cupboards to remove everything that could remotely tempt them to stray from their diet. Whilst it may sound like a good idea, it’s also often an indication they’re about to start a dietary regime that is going to be very difficult to maintain. When you adopt the mindset that even one tiny mouthful of a ‘forbidden’ food is going to completely derail your dieting efforts, you’re actually setting yourself up for an unnecessarily frustrating and arduous diet journey. Not to mention the fact that you’ll undoubtedly come to hate your diet and dieting per se so you’ll quit.
Consider this – many of the most successful diet plans actually recommend allowing yourself a cheat day every now and then as a reward for reaching certain weight loss goals, or just to make it easier to keep going. Ultimately your goal is to lose weight in the healthiest, most enjoyable way possible, not punish yourself. If you’re enjoying your diet you’ll keep at it, especially once you start to notice the results.
The “Aimless” Approach
Most people who have achieved significant things in their lives have done so because they’ve set goals and methodically worked towards those goals. Losing weight is not different. However, those goals shouldn’t be so ridiculously hard you can’t reach them. The best goals are ones that make you work to achieve them but are achievable nonetheless. Once you’ve made your goals, don’t keep them to yourself either. The more people you tell, the more obligated you’ll feel to carry through with achieving them.
The Monotonous “Same Food, Different Day” Approach
Animals may need to eat the same type of foods every day. Indeed some species require it, but humans function better physically and psychologically if they have access to a wide range of foods on a daily basis. This allows us to meet our nutritional requirements adequately. Diets that require you to stick to the same foods day in, day out, may lead to nutritional deficiencies unless those foods are carefully selected to ensure every nutritional requirement is met. They’re also uninspiring, boring, and after a while, very hard to maintain.
The “If I Enjoy Something It Can’t Be Good For Me” Approach
Some dieters also make the mistake of thinking they can no longer eat anything they enjoy, as though dieting is their punishment for putting on weight. All things in moderation as they say. It’s OK to allow yourself an indulgent treat every now and again. As mentioned previously, use it as a reward to treat yourself after you’ve reached a weight loss goal. If it’s something unhealthy, like a sugar laden treat, limit yourself to just a small amount instead of casting it out of your life forever. If you look around, there may even be similar foods that are healthier.
Don’t Give Up
If we gave up on our goals every time we met an obstacle, we’d never achieve anything. Learn to use each setback as an opportunity to prove you can do this ‘weight loss thing’. Your reward will be a healthier, fitter you. Alternatively, you could try something like an Angelina Jolie keto pill and see if that helps keep your weight under control.