Developments in the field of robotic XYZ systems


As the world’s first desktop robotic arm with compliant control and Intellidrives XYZ arm can handle multiple tasks with human-like flexibility and suppleness and includes safety features such as an advanced algorithm to stop the arm in the event of a collision with a person or object. The soft robotic arm has interchangeable modular units that allow the arm to flex and rotate in response to the hand movements of a human operator wearing a glove equipped with wireless soft sensors. Developed at Keio University and the University of Tokyo, the prototype system consists of a set of human-like robotic arms and a robotic “head” equipped with stereo vision and microphones, all attached to a backpack, which contains control circuitry and a battery.  To learn more about Intellidrives XYZ systems, visit

Researchers in Japan have developed a “telepresence” system that lets one person remotely control a set of robotic arms attached to a backpack worn by another person, effectively allowing two people to work together on complex tasks without being in the same place. Her BrainGate-enabled, robotic-arm control during the drinking task required a combination of two-dimensional movements across a tabletop plus a grasp” command to either grasp and lift or tilt the robotic hand. Viewed as industrial robots,” these arms and their systems are often guarded with physical barriers for the safety of scientists and have fairly complex scheduling software and programming to control them.

Moreover, based on the robotic arm configuration, construction, and design, the arm can move within the workspace and perform various tasks. The rise in emphasis towards improving the operational efficiency of production as well as cost reduction fuel the adoption of robotic arms and industrial robotics across various end-users. In our current technological generation, user perception of the robotic arm, as measured by Godspeed, did not correlate with performance 50 As further robotics development would also focus on improving anthropomorphic characteristics of the system, as well as the users’ perception, it would be interesting to identify possible correlations between advancements in that direction and performance, as well as to identify possible uncanny valley”-like phenomena 74 An important question, also with regard to real-time response of BCI-robotics systems, would be to investigate whether operators would expect more natural and fluid response from a near humanlike robotics system than from a more mechanical-looking one, and whether not meeting such expectations would affect either user perception or performance.

We subsequently report on the implementation of the BCI control module using an off-the-shelf EEG-BCI system and the development of BCI-robotics communication; then we present two illustrative experimental applications of the BCI-controlled robotic arms. Even past the challenges and limitations of BCI systems, the design of a robotic arm for medical engineering applications, such as rehabilitation and assistive technologies for disabled individuals, constitutes a challenge on multiple fronts, including engineering problems, design requirements, and budget cost issues 27 Designing a custom-made robotic arm allows for greater flexibility and negates the need to purchase expensive research-level robotics. For many industrial applications such as picking and placement, robotic arms capable of extremely precise repeatable movement may be an unnecessary expense.

Certain types of programmable robotic arms are inherently designed to be more precise in their range of movements and articulations than others. Robotic arms can be used for all manner of industrial production, processing and manufacturing roles – any task in which extremely precise, fast and repeatable movements are required, in fact. The polar robotic arm is connected to its base via a twisting joint, and the subsequent spherical workspace it has access to make it useful for performing similar roles as cylindrical robotic arms – handling machine tools, spot welding, die casting and arc welding.

Cartesian robotic arms use various motors and linear actuators to position a tool or attachment somewhere in three-dimensional space, and manipulate it through a series of linear movements to switch between positions. For the most part, the key distinction between different sorts of robotic arms lies in the way their joints are designed to articulate – and subsequently the range of movement and functions they’re able to perform – as well as the type of framework they’re supported by and the footprint they require for installation and operation. As technology has advanced and the manufacturing costs of robotic components has fallen over the years, the past decade or so has seen a very rapid expansion in the availability and affordability of robots and robotic arms across a very wide range of industries.



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