Create your own e-book step by step


Professional e-books are created by graphic designers using special software. But you can create an amateur e-book yourself, using programs and applications that you already have on your computer or available online.

One of this software is called Sqribble. Before you start looking all over the web for a review to read, I suggest you check this Sqribble Review written by – an authority in reviewing internet marketing tools.

Let’s look at the process of publishing a digital book in 9 steps.

Text Formatting

The simplest way to start working on your digital book is by using any Textwriter you already have on your computer (you can download freely distributed LibreOffice and OpenOffice open source copywriters).


The cover is one of the most important elements of the aesthetic image of the book. It can be configured in the copywriter using the desired image and layout through the Text Box option.

ISBN application

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is an international unique book number and consists of 13 digits. For Greece the ISBN concession is made free of charge by the National Library for the publication or self-publishing of a book (printed or electronic).

Select creative commons free distribution license

Once you have chosen to freely make your digital book available online, you wish to share part of your rights with the public. It is necessary to decide and explicitly specify exactly what rights to your work the reader who downloads your book from the internet has.

Title Page & Cover

Between the cover and the content there should be a title page and an inner page, just like in paper books.

Convert to various e-book formats

PDF file: Portable Document Format is the most common for digital documents, as it can be easily read by any type of device (See here a list of free PDF reading software).

Test reading on devices

It is necessary before releasing your e-book to test all the formats you have prepared on all the corresponding devices to correct possible defects. Use different computers, tablets, mobile phones and e-book reader’s devices.

Posting the e-book online

You can create a special website or blog to post your e-book using the popular WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla, Wix, Weebly apps. Create a file there by gathering all the information about the book (reviews, reports, publications, etc.)

Promotion of the e-book

Send your book for entry in the catalogues of free digital books

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