Begus Insurance Group Accentuates How Insurance Coverage Offers Financial Stability To Near and Dear Ones


Begus Insurance Group was commenced to spread awareness about life insurance importance among people, especially those over 45 years. No one desires to burden their loved ones or family members financially, in case they pass away suddenly. The funeral costs are high, which can add financial strain on the family but with an appropriate policy, this situation can become less burdensome. 

Life insurance statistics report that 43% population doesn’t have a life insurance policy. Without the proper protection, the surviving family members’ life can turn out to be horrible because of the lack of funds that they can hardly cover the home mortgage and lose the property, or loved ones are left broke after basic funeral costs.

Nobody knows what can happen the next moment. Death is an unforeseen event and can leave kids and spouses in a tight spot. 

The experts at Berg Group explain to clients how insurance coverage helps. 

  • Pay off debts – Debts like car loans, mortgages, credit cards, and funeral costs can dramatically affect near and dear one’s lifestyle. A single-life insurance policy can help to pay off the debts.
  • Secure kids’ future – Life insurance plan ensures that kids of the deceased policy-holder can complete their college. Kids can even pay for buying a home or their marriage from the tax-free lump sum insured amount.
  • Dealing with end-of-life costs – Loved ones are already grieving the loss and costly funeral arrangements are a huge responsibility. To relieve near and dear ones from financial stress, funeral insurance is helpful. 
  • Peace of mind – Insurance coverage investment offers peace of mind because the policy-holder proactively took steps in securing near and dear ones financially in case of unforeseen events. No need to worry about financial stability as loved ones will pursue their existing lifestyle even after the death of the insured. 
Max Life Insurance achieved highest claim settlement ratio of 99.22% in  2019-20 – Mint – NewsColony

Life insurance coverage opportunities that Begus Group offers are several. Choose at least one to ensure that loved ones stay covered even when the policyholder passes away. The family does not have to struggle with a debt of any kind. As life changes, so do insurance needs. The team recommends interested clients appropriate products suitable for their lifestyle and budget. 

  • Term insurance plan – It provides coverage for a specific time at a fixed price. In case of untimely demise within the policy period, the beneficiaries get good financial support. The premiums are low and payable but the financial stability it offers to near ones is significant. A term plan offers tax benefits on the premium paid. Policyholders can adjust their term plans anytime with the help of professional advice. 
  • Final expense insurance – To release loved ones from the responsibility of high funeral costs, people can buy the burial plan. It is a good solution to reduce the financial strain at this hard time when they are grieving. Burial insurance is easily approved even at the age of 80. The premiums are too low and death benefits are guaranteed with regular payment of premiums. 
  • Medicare supplement – Medigap is a private insurance plan, which intends to fill the gaps of basic Medicare.

Buying insurance from Begus Group is made easy as they work with trusted insurance carriers and quotes of life insurance can be compared on their official website!

Contact Information:

Dwight Lee
Begus Insurance Group
+1 323-553-1154
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