Signs You Should Search for an Assisted Living Facility in Camarillo for Your Loved One


It’s a difficult decision when you determine your loved one is ready for an assisted living facility. You know it isn’t always a choice your loved one wants you to make. However, it’s often in his or her best interest to have someone to assist with daily living tasks. At Sally’s Residential Care Home, serving Camarillo, CA and the surrounding area, we can help you figure out when your loved one could benefit from an assisted living facility in Camarillo.

Decrease in Hygiene

Assess how well your loved one is taking care of him or herself. For instance, take into consideration if your loved one has started to have body odor regularly or looks disheveled most of the time. Maybe, you start to notice your loved one has filthy, unclipped nails and hasn’t washed his or her hair in a few days. Another indication of poor hygiene is wearing the same clothes for several days in a row. In many cases, if your loved one is losing interest in personal hygiene, forgetting to complete these tasks, or just isn’t physically able to do it, it may be time to think about an assisted living facility temple tx.

Neglecting Housework
Keep an eye on the quality of upkeep your mom or dad is doing to his or her house. Look to see if he or she is making sure dishes are washed on a regular basis and basic household chores are done. You also want to assess the level of organization your mom or dad has. A decrease in housekeeping could mean he or she is mentally forgetting or can’t physically keep up with it. At an assisted living facility, your mom or dad no longer has to worry about housekeeping because it’s done for him or her.

Weight Loss 

Sometimes, your loved one may lose interest in eating, possibly due to depression. On the other hand, your loved one could lose weight as a result of a physical inability to cook. It’s even possible for Alzheimer’s and certain other health issues to affect a person’s weight.

Mood Changes 

You could notice your mom seems depressed more often than usual, or maybe your father is now combative. In some cases, memory problems impair a person’s ability to communicate, and they express they in an unhealthy manner. This can be unsafe for both the patient and his or her loved one.

Contact our assisted living facility in Camarillo if your loved one has any of these symptoms or expresses other signs he or she needs more help than you can provide. At Sally’s Residential Care Home, we offer a loving, comfortable home away from home for your loved one.

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