Advantages of NCERT Exemplars in Board Exams

Students might be wondering about why NCERT Exemplars are important from the exam point of view. These books mainly contain extra questions, which provide a higher understanding of concepts. It helps students who are preparing to face national level competitive exams like JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. Some of the in-depth questions asked in the board exams are also based on the concepts covered in NCERT Exemplars. Even after lots of practice, students get stressed about appearing for the exams at state and national level. To boost their exam preparation, it is necessary to glance at the topics which are discussed in NCERT Exemplar Class 10. Among the numerous study materials present in the market, it is crucial for the students to select the right one which satisfies their requirements.
Expert academicians usually explain the importance of NCERT Exemplar among students to speed up their preparation. The information provided in the textbook is credible and offered in a lucid manner. Previous years’ question papers contain problems which are directly or indirectly selected from the NCERT textbook. CBSE board asks questions in twisted ways to ascertain how much conceptual knowledge a student possesses. The concepts which the students study in higher classes are based on the topics discussed in the lower classes. The explanations provided are in simple language, which provides a better idea of all the fundamental concepts covered in the subject. This will build a strong foundation in the minds of students about the basic concepts which should be understood from the exam perspective.
In a complex subject like Mathematics, students should know the importance of NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths. The concept based questions provide students with exposure to various tricky problems. Practising the problems from NCERT Exemplars will help students to get acquainted with the latest questions that would appear in the board exams. Solving problems on a regular basis improves problem solving and time management skills among students. These books help students, irrespective of their intelligence coefficient, with knowledge and information in understandable language. If students practise problems on a daily basis, doubts on difficult subjects and topics can be cleared in a short duration of time. The books strongly adhere to the CBSE curriculum, which forms the base for both state level board exams and national level competitive exams.
With the help of NCERT Exemplars, students can improve their analytical thinking, comprehension and information recalling skills. Students can revise the concepts covered in the subject at one stretch with the help of NCERT Exemplar. Teachers can also improve their standard of teaching in schools by analysing the understanding abilities of students. It can be considered as a one stop solution for students finding difficulty in answering difficult problems. It helps students in self assessment and mastering the fundamental techniques of solving problems with ease.