5 Important Factors to Consider When Renting Audio Visual Equipment


To stage an effective event, you’re going to need a lot of audio and visual equipment: screens, lights, and sound systems are all vital but are also just a few pieces to the greater AV infrastructure. But the equipment itself can be quite expensive to buy, even if you’re choosing to use just the bare essentials. That’s why you should consider renting the necessary equipment from a reputable AV company. But before you settle on a company to partner with for AV rental in Orlando, first consider these important points.

Check for An Exclusivity Clause With Your Venue

You should always settle on a venue before you begin staging. During this early stage, it’s vital to know if your venue has an exclusivity clause. If they do, it could mean that you’re stuck using their audio and visual equipment, preventing you from renting what you want or need from outside sources. Because AV is rarely a “one size fits all” solution, it’s in your best interest to negotiate and have the clause removed. Doing so may increase the price of the venue, but it’s a small price to pay if it means you get to use the equipment you prefer.

Performance Guarantees from the Rental Company

Lots of people rely on audio and visual equipment rentals, and while a great company will always be upgrading their wares, odds are good that you won’t be the first person to rent a particular piece of equipment. Again, a great company will make sure everything that they rent out is in working condition, but you should always prepare for the unexpected. If for some reason the equipment malfunctions or stops working entirely, you’ll want to know if the rental company offers insurance and what it will cover. Check with the venue, too, just in case.

How New Is the Technology Itself

Your staging plans may dictate the functionality that’s only available in more recently made equipment. By the same token, your needs may allow you to forgo extra features. The best AV rental companies will not only have a range of recent equipment to meet all needs but will work with you to match you with the best equipment for your event. This isn’t the same as up-selling, where the company will try to convince you to take more expensive equipment you don’t need. They should be serving and meeting your needs, not the other way around.

How Well the Company Communicates

The people you choose to rent your audiovisual equipment from are just as important as choosing the right equipment. You want to pick a team that’s receptive to your needs and happy to work with them rather than telling you what they think you want or need. More importantly, you’ll want to know you’re dealing with a team that you can reach out to, whenever you need help should problems arise with your equipment. A worthwhile rental company will work alongside you as a partner and do more than just provide you with the requested equipment.

Additional Setup and Planning Services

Knowing what equipment you need and knowing how to get the most out of them are two separate issues. If you’re staging an event on a scale you haven’t tried before, or if you simply find yourself in need of extra hands, it’s best to choose a rental company that can provide help with both the staging of and execution of the event. Even if you don’t think you’ll need additional manpower to reach your event’s goals, knowing that the option is available from the rental company can be an excellent backup plan should the unexpected happen.

If you’re looking for AV rental in Orlando or the surrounding area, American Audio Visual will meet and exceed these needs. Besides providing you with top-notch staging equipment, they can provide expert staff to help you use and make the most of it. Reach out to https://www.americanaudiovisual.com/ today to learn more.


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