Procrastination Can Hamper Your Success In Writing Contests


Are you planning to join a writing contest? If yes then you need to make sure that you take a very disciplined approach towards the contest participation. Many people, signup for the online writing contests but most of them fail to reap the benefits. One of the major reasons noted for the failure of many of these participants in the online writing contests is the lethargic approach and the procrastination seen in the participants.

Once you signup for a writing contest, you should start working immediately towards the contest submission. If you are going to postpone this responsibility to tomorrow each day, then you will end up having problems down the line. The final deadline will arrive and you would not have done any work towards the contest submission. In the last minute you will feel tensed and pressurized. You will try to cook up something in the last minute and try to get over with it. In this process, you would have lost a great opportunity to win the contest. Even those with great writing skills end up making this mistake. 

As soon as you signup for the free writing contests or paid contests you must first try to get a clear picture on the amount of time you have at hand. Depending on when you happen to come across the contest the preparation time will vary. If you are selecting between multiple contests, make sure that you are selecting contests with adequate preparation time. Do not pick contests with immediate deadlines. You will need time to prepare for the contest submission work and this is a creative task and it will take time for one to come up with something interesting. You should therefore not try to rush through the process. On the one hand you must allow yourself enough time to come up with the inspirational thoughts that you could put into writing but on the other hand you cannot wait unendingly for such inspiration to be turned on because you would end up losing a lot of time. In order to keep your inspiration live, try to read the works of other great writers and this will stimulate your creativity and help you produce your own masterpieces. 

You need to take consistent efforts to create an impressive work for the submission. If you keep postponing things to the next day then you will not be able to produce a good work. When you do not win the contest, you will feel bad and your confidence level will come down. You can reduce such issues greatly by avoiding procrastination. As soon as you signup for your contest, try to create a timetable for yourself. You must create a contest timetable based on the amount of time you have at hand before the deadline. First you need to finalize on the concept for writing. So set a deadline for this concept finalization. Secondly, you must set a deadline for the completion of the rough draft of your work. 

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