Top 10 Ways to Become a Better Driver

When we are out on the road, we all think that we are good drivers. But, sometimes, bad things happen. Especially if you’re a teenager who is just starting his or her driving journey. In those unfortunate situations, we come to realize that there are some things we wished we had known before hitting the road. Because of this, we’ve decided to put together top safety tips for teen drivers. Therefore, we are bringing you the top 10 ways to become a better driver.
Always Look Further Ahead
A common mistake for new drivers is to fix the gaze on the vehicle directly ahead. When you do this, you can’t see what is going on further up the road. It is always a good, safe practice to scan way ahead of the cars in front of you. If something goes on up there that could be a hazard to you, you’ll be able to see it and have time to respond accordingly.
Don’t Follow Too Close
Some drivers have a habit of tailgating. This means that they are following the driver in front of them too closely. Tailgating is something you should never do, because of the following reasons:
- There is a bigger chance you will run into the back of the vehicle in front because you will not have enough time to stop if that vehicle suddenly stops;
- You can’t see the road in front of the vehicle you’re driving behind, because your vision is blocked;
- It is more expensive because you will need to use your accelerator and brake more frequently which will cost more gas and cause more wear and tear to your vehicle.
Stay Within the Speed Limit
This one is an obvious one, but it is still worth mentioning. You should definitely put this one in the top 10 things to prepare your teen for driving. Even when you are not going over the speed limit, it might be too fast for the road conditions (snow, rain, amount of traffic.. etc). Traffic tells its own story while you’re driving, and you need to listen to it in order to stay safe.
Do Not Drive if you Are Sleepy
Ignoring this tip has caused too many accidents so far. Drivers often think that they can push through it and keep themselves awake, when in fact many of them fall asleep at the wheel. If you feel sleepy, pull over and have a 15-minute break or a power nap. This is just 15 minutes of your time and it can be a life-saver.
Pull Yourself Away from All Distractions
In these golden times for technology, we often find ourselves checking our phones in the most inappropriate places. The worst place to check your phone is when driving your car! Before starting your vehicle, put your phone on flight mode, set up your navigation, set up your music and then start driving. Considering the way young people use technology nowadays, this definitely has to go under the top 10 driver safety tips for teenagers.
Adjust Your Mirrors
Adjusting the mirrors while driving is dangerous. Be sure to make all adjustments before you get on the road. If you do this, it will bring you so much more comfort and will help you move safely. Here are some steps on how to adjust your mirrors properly:
- Always adjust your mirrors from the driver’s seat, not from the other seats in the car. This is because mirrors reflect light and the things you see will depend on the position from which you’re looking at them;
- Adjust your seat on a comfortable height and depth;
- Move your mirrors (automatically or manual, depending on your car) in the way you can not see parts of your car, just the road;
- Make sure to adjust the rear-view mirror so you can see the entire rear window.
Stop Weaving Between Lanes
When bumping into slow traffic, don’t weave lanes. You should always stay patient and try to move along with other drivers. Weaving lanes is the reason traffic gets slower. If everyone stayed in the same lane in the first place, the traffic would just keep the normal speed of moving. Instead, impatient drivers make it harder for others by changing lanes and causing others behind them to brake more often. Therefore, the traffic gets slower.
Update Your Knowledge of the Laws
Laws change over time and you should always make sure to refresh your knowledge. This will help you be a better driver in traffic. Thanks to the internet, you don’t even need to take driving classes anymore, you can find it all online and for free.
Learn How to Properly Hold Your Steering Wheel
Holding the steering wheel properly will give you a feeling of control and safety. Here are some tips on how to hold the steering wheel in the right way:
- Adjust the vehicle’s steering wheel to your height ;
- Place your hands at 9 to 3. To do this, you place your left hand where 9 would be on a clock, and your right hand on where 3 would be on the same clock;
- Never take your hand off the steering wheel while driving.
Don’t Forget to Use Your Turn Signals
Last but not least, you should always use turn signals to let the drivers around you know your plans. This is one of the most important ways of communication between drivers. Many accidents happen because the driver failed to use the turn signal and did not give warning before turning. Be sure to use them around pedestrians as well, they have no idea where you are turning. is dedicated to keeping our young, new drivers safe on the roads by reducing the problem of distracted driving. We have developed a comprehensive safe driving app that allows the parent or guardian to shut off texting while driving on their child’s phone from the parent phone without the teen driver being able to shut the app off. It stops all incoming text messages from being answered and keeps your driver focused on driving. You can download your free 7-day free trial to stop distracted driving here.