Things you need to know about listing a service on eBay


We have highly experienced product eBay listing services or data entry service experts who can help you easily add/edit items to your eBay marketplace. eBay Product Download Specialists are adept at creating items from eBay product inventory (using existing products) or product information you provide in any format. Mastering how to create a perfect listing on eBay and to provide high-quality results for every item.

Below is a partial list of tasks related to eBay product downloads and eBay product listings. You can do these things well.

  • Find similar items

To certify that an item is eligible for a value box, search the eBay product catalogue for the item before adding or uploading it to your account. We use this information when we find products similar to yours on eBay. If not, list the items and then select the Continue listing without product links option.

  • Choose a category

Intelligently select or assign product categories or subcategories. By assigning the most relevant categories to your items, you help potential buyers find them. It also increases your chances of account sales success.

  • Specify project conditions

Our eBay product download team has extensive knowledge of the status of different items by category. Because we accurately describe the condition of your items, buyers can get what they want and you can reduce the number of returns.

  • Choose your time to market

To avoid unnecessary charges to your account, we make every effort to reveal the list. Our team thoroughly researches the guidelines before auctioning a product and choosing a time. Each list is double-checked to ensure that the “expense subtotal” is correct.

  • Please select a payment method.

Buyers always look for easy payment methods and sellers always prefer immediate payments, which is important for both the buying method and the buyer. Choose the best payment method recommended by your customers, such as PayPal, Paymate or the merchant’s credit card.

  • Specify return policy

Depending on your suggestion, experts in eBay listing services can choose the return conditions between “acceptable returns” or “no unacceptable returns”. However, since most buyers want to buy from sellers who offer a return policy, it’s a good idea to set a clear return policy for your customers.

  • List Review

Finally, after entering all product information, a detailed quality check is performed to ensure that all fields are correct. A mandatory step in this process is to list items on eBay Marketplace with the highest level of accuracy and a decent format.

How to create a perfect listing on eBay

Some of the best practices for creating mobile responsive lists include:

  • Keep the format simple. It uses a black font with a text size of 12-14 px on a white background. Use short sentences in bullet points to indicate key features in item descriptions.
  • Instead of uploading product description images, use our image gallery where you can upload up to 12 photos for free. It will decrease the listing page load time.
  • The free tools make it easy to check if your listing is fully optimized for mobile.

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