The transition of the ad agency from print medium towards digitization


The advertising world is going through a transition. The transition is due to the shift of corporates and multinational companies from the regular print medium towards a more digitized version of it. The print advertising is going through a rough time because due to the carnage of the covid19 pandemic. The covid19 pandemic has rendered the print media at the brink of extinction. As people are refusing the print media in fear of the pandemic, advertisers have also turned their backs on them. This has, to some extent, made the digital content creation a better place for their experiments.

The age-old technique of storytelling and why it has an appeal in the present corporate world?

Digital corporate content creators have started using an age-old technique to convey their message. The simplest technique that is known to all is the technique of storytelling. But as it is said that storytelling is the greatest technology that humans have ever created, there is no fowl in using it. Effective storytelling, however, involves a deep understanding of human emotions, motivations, and psychology in order to captivate the audience. This is what the digital content creators for corporates are capitalizing on. They are trying to tell stories to their audiences in order to create a bond between the brand and the consumer. In simpler terms, they are approaching the storytelling aspect of the digital ad world in a new holistic way. By extending to psychological barriers in human minds, they are actually trying to taper into the whole new ear if ad creation and brand promotion.

How hard is it to tell a story on the digital advertising world?

However, the task of storytelling through digital platforms is not easy. One of the main hurdles in this respect is to find out the right balance of emotions and psychological entities within the story. It is hard for digital content creators because their audience is spread throughout the world. This catering to everyone’s favorite emotion is not possible. Rather picking up a generalized version of a story is more approachable by the corporate sector.

How is a new era of online corporate content coming?

The best option that has emerged in recent times is the use of documentary-style storytelling on behalf of the corporate sector. For example, recent video contents from gillespie video productions demonstrated this genre quite well. In this type of storytelling, the narrator usually speaks in a more personal manner. This helps the global audience to connect with the narrator and to the targeted brand instantly. It is a relatively new approach towards corporate content creation and thus requires a lot more encouragement from the industry leaders.

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