The Right Search for Fertility Centers


The regulations for IVF with egg donation vary from country to country. It is therefore important to learn about the laws of the different countries before choosing your clinic.

Average prices also differ by country

We advise you to compare the regulations and the tariffs in the table ” Comparison of the assisted reproduction by country: Law / Tariffs / Success rate ” which we have created especially for this purpose.

For example, FIVDO cannot be practiced on Swiss territory. In France, it is reserved for heterosexual married couples; in the Czech Republic, it is authorized for heterosexual couples, married or not; in Spain or Belgium, FIVDO is accessible to all women. You can check this site for the best results now.

What is the clinic’s success rate?

On the websites of the clinics, it is possible to find figures expressing more or less clearly the success rates of the various practices carried out either since the creation of the clinic, or for the previous calendar year. These figures are always presented in very rewarding ways, but it is important to question their real meaning and veracity (on what basis were these figures calculated, who checked them, etc.).

Some clinics unfortunately play on the ambiguity of certain terms or only give favorable information that highlights them.

For example, some clinics express their success rates per transfer while others express them per cycle. It is obvious that the rates per cycle will be higher since statically there is more probability of success after several transfers (in principle, there are several transfers per cycle).

Taking the time to fully understand the figures presented and ensuring that they do indeed represent the true success rates of the clinic is one of the keys to choosing your clinic.

Who can help me choose the right clinic?

An IVF course with egg donation is particularly complex, starting with the choice of the clinic (which is among the very first steps). Surrounding yourself with an “ally” in order to feel supported morally, to share the joys and, sometimes, the disappointments is very important. This person can be a friend, his or her life partner, his or her family… However, moral support can be insufficient in this adventure. Having someone to help you define your needs and analyze the offers and information presented by clinics can save you time and money.

After having assumed the fact of seeing a specialist to be able to get pregnant, the question that arises is: Who should I go to now? After a year of negative pregnancy test, appointment with the gynecologist, it is necessary to take the plunge and go to a specialized center and not waste any more time in unsuccessful test.

So how do you choose the best fertility clinic?

Look on the Internet? Ask friends? To our family? Requests for referrals to our trusted doctor?

All of these methods are good, as long as you are browsing trusted web pages, or asking friends or relatives who know the processes and can advise you, or if your doctor knows which center is best for you. feel comfortable.

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