The Best Benefits of the Downward Facing Dog Pose


The downward dog pose, also known as it’s Sanskrit name adho mukha svanasana, is usually a first pose learned by beginners in the art of yoga. With your hands and feet flat against the ground and your hips pointed in the air, this pose has great benefits for your body’s bones, muscles and organs.

Downward dog cautions

The down dog position has really great health benefits, as it is said to help those who suffer from conditions such as asthma, sciatica and high blood pressure. It is however not recommended that you attempt to get into the downward dog position if you are suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and/or have had or currently have any shoulder, wrist, back and or neck injuries.

Downward dog helps opens your sinuses and breathing

The downward dog position has benefits from head to toe, but focusing on the head, the benefits are remarkable. Your head and mind can become clear while practicing this position because it allows you to focus on your breathing while inhaling and exhaling. Allergies and sinus symptoms are reported to be lessened with practicing the downward dog pose because it allows your sinuses to flow better. Insomnia, stress and headaches all benefit from the pose as well.

Downward dog is energizing and calming

Along with the pose being an energizing and really calming position, it helps to build strength in your various body parts, such as your hips, back, arms, and legs. Other muscles in your body in your calves, ankles and feet are also being stretched and worked. Practicing down dog on a regular basis can allow you to use yoga to lose weight.

Downward dog builds strong bones

Managing and preventing osteoporosis is yet another benefit of the downward dog position.Osteoporosis gets prevented and managed by the strengthening of your bones and the building of your bone density. You are stretching your entire body in this pose, building great upper body strength, keeping and building healthy strong bones, and even stretching and lengthening your spine.

Downward dog boosts flexibility

Flexibility is another wonderful benefit that can be obtained from practicing the downward dog position. Wrists, arms, legs, hips, back and shoulders are all proved to become more flexible while practicing the position. Flexibility can help keep you feeling balanced and limber as well as helping in your sex life.

Downward dog stimulates organ systems

While exploring the previous benefits provided from this position, keep in mind that the downward dog position helps to stimulate some of your body’s organ systems, such as your digestive system. While in the downward dog position your heart is placed above your head, allowing your blood to flow better through your body and organs. Your lymph nodes are also activated in the downward dog position.


In conclusion, the downward dog position has great benefits for your mind, body and soul, keeping you healthy, flexible, and strong. The blood flow that the downward dog position enables helps blood flow to your face and cheeks. Blood flow to your face and cheeks creates a healthy glow to your skin, you may not even need to put your make-up on. While in the inverted V pose, you are receiving many benefits that can allow you to live a happier and healthier life.

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