The benefits of cleaning your storage unit seasonally



Over time, you start to accumulate more items and those items are what you end up storing in either closet or in a storage unit. As time goes on, it’s likely you’ve forgotten about many of the things you’ve stored.

That’s why it’s important to clean your unit seasonally so you never forget what you have, plus you can get rid of unwanted items and possibly make money off selling them.

The benefits of regularly cleaning your storage unit

Once you’ve set a date, or weekend depending on how much you have, here are a few ways you can get started.

  1. Empty everything from your unit
  2. Before you start to go through everything, your unit is now empty, and you should take advantage of this by cleaning out your unit. Removing all dust, debris, and do a quick sweep and mop job.
  3. After you’ve cleaned your storage unit, go through every box or storage bin one by one so you can decide what you may or may not want to keep.
  4. The items you decide you do not want to keep, choose if you want to sell them or if they are better as donated items. Donated items can go to local charities, Goodwill, or the Salvation Army.
  5. Don’t forget to put new labels on your storage bins as you start to box things back up.
  6. Once you’ve gone through each of your storage bins, it’s time to put things back in your unit.
  7. Depending on how much you got rid of, this may be a good time to renegotiate your lease agreement and downsize your unit to save money each month.

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