How to Become an Expert at Public Speaking?


Many speakers can grab the attention of the audience on the stage. What makes them unique? Do you know that they practice for hours before giving the live presentation? They become experts with years of practice.

It is not deniable that it takes a lot of courage to speak in front of unknown people. But still, you have to excel in this skill. Karen Mccleave Toronto based Lawyer is a public speaker from whom a lot can be learned. From public speaking to handling major court cases Karen Mccleave Crown Attorney has over 30 years of experience in serving the public.

Mind your body language:

People may be closely monitoring you, so mind the actions and moves. Many speaker shivers and many unable to speak fluently, they fumble because of nervousness. What impression will it leave on people or say on the manager? Will your manager promote you to the next level? He will hardly do that.

Remain confident, maintain your dignity. Do not fold your arms or hide behind the podium. Do not lose calm; people can notice it on your face.

Record and listen to it:

You have to rectify your flaws; you have to take the initiative for it. Practice a lot and every time you speak, record it. Listen to it, judge your performance. Find out your lacking areas and make efforts to improve it.

Practice hundred times; record hundred times; till you are confident enough to face the audience.

Make the content engaging:

Presentations do not have to be monotonous; it has to be engaging. Will you feel motivated if people are yawning and waiting for the session to over? You can make the session engaging you starting it in the story form. Also, your facial expression matters a lot to the audience.

Ask the close-ended questions in between, where the audience has to answer in yes or not, or else they can only raise their hands.

Works on the feedback:

Encourage your colleagues to give you feedback. You may be unable to give your best in the first or two sessions, but gradually; you can improve drastically if you focus on the views. Your well-wisher will provide the right feedback, so do not get humiliated if is not in your favor.

Keep facts simple:

You don’t have to use complicated language. Use words that are easily understood by the audience. Avoid using difficult vocabulary; explain with the help of illustrations. But at the same time, keep in mind the emotions of the people. Never use words or gestures that may hurt the sentiments of people. Avoid getting into controversial matters.

Do not speak too fast:

Work on the way you speak. Do not talk either too slow or too fast. If you speak fast, people will not understand your concept, and if you speak slowly, it will make the presentation tedious.

Also, adjust the tone according to the topic and views.

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