How Does Depression Manifest Itself?


Symptoms: Those affected feel an agonizing inner mood – which is why it is also popularly known as “emotional sickness” – as well as emptiness, hopelessness, and lack of drive or fear. These feelings increasingly impair central life functions, lead to sleep disorders, loss of appetite, loss of libido, and concentration disorders, and can also be accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach pressure. Complaints are often particularly stressful at certain times of the day. The “morning low” with a slight improvement towards evening is considered typical. For the inhibitors and how they work, you are advised to read up guides like Maoi guide amongst others, to get more information.

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Inner Emptiness

There is a predominance of a basic feeling of deep depression, sadness, and inner emptiness. Depression sufferers often feel completely discouraged and hopeless.

Loss of interest

Affected people lose pleasure in things that are normally perceived as pleasant. Participation in the whole environment is waning, including negative aspects.

Loss Of Energy

Affected people have little energy and determination. Even everyday tasks and simple decisions are difficult for them. You feel tired all the time.


There is a severe loss of self-confidence and massive feelings of inferiority. Negative thoughts predominate.

Feelings Of Guilt

Feelings of guilt arise and can increase to the point of delusion that one’s illness is a punishment for past misconduct.


Anxiety, thoughts of death, or a suicide occur in severe cases. Conversely, anxiety disorders also very often lead to depression.

Poor Concentration

The ability to concentrate decreases. Affected people experience activities as strenuous and overwhelming, which they could do with ease before the illness.


Affected people sometimes show symptoms such as irritability, aggressiveness, and angry attacks. Some have less control over their impulses and are prone to addictive behaviors.

Physical Complaints

Depression can hide behind physical complaints such as back pain, headache, or tinnitus, which may not be recognized at all.

Weight Changes

You may lose your appetite and lose weight. On the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle and cravings can also lead to weight gain.

Sleep Disorders

The often very pronounced sleep disorders can manifest themselves with difficulty falling asleep, nocturnal waking phases, or early morning awakening.

Loss Of Libido

Both men and women can lose their desire to have sex. Potency disorders and difficulty experiencing orgasms can also occur.


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