Extending the Life of Our Phones: Why Repairing is Better Than Replacement

Everybody has a mobile phone with them all the time nowadays, and we cannot live through the day without it. Accidents happen and our devices can be damaged even if it has the best case and cover. Nonetheless, most of us will try to salvage what is left of our beloved phones.
We rely on everything through our phones because there are apps for almost everything. Phones are our prized possessions because of all the data that it contains. Navigating will be difficult if our phones are not working because we have no maps and no Uber to book with through phones. We also use it to take photos for almost every occasion and of everyone we care for. We store most of our contacts on our phones, and all these data can be lost if a phone gets damaged or if there are no backups of the data. whatever, you before you go through, you may find some switch cell phone carriers deal before it’s expire.
The most famous brands for phones today are iPhones and Samsung. They produce top of the line devices that keeps getting better every year. Even though they keep producing better phones, it does not mean that we must let go of our current devices easily. Some of us want Samsung phone repair services to at least try to revive our devices from death.
In America, such as in states like Utah, people throw away over 350,000 cell phones a day. This contributes to an increasing amount of e-waste produced that can harm the environment. Why throw away a device when it can be fixed?
Why repairing is better than replacing
Repairing is a practical solution for broken phones since it can save much money as compared to replacing a phone for a new one. It is better to repair the phones and save the money for a replacement for a better phone when a person plans to upgrade. Typically, a phone’s lifespan is up to 2.5 years, and better phones are released at that time. So why not have your phone checked up and see if its parts are replaceable.
Repairing can help save the environment. The production of a single cell phone produces tons of plastic and other non-biodegradable material, which is called e-waste or electronic waste. While there are recycling facilities that accept e-waste, it does not make much difference because more people want newer phones, which contributes to carbon emissions.
Repairing, on the other hand, cuts down the accumulation of the waste and carbon that we produce from production and replacement. It maximizes the life out of a device, and we get the best value out of it. Besides practicality, we would want our devices to be running for a long time. Valuing our possessions like these devices means that we value our money. We should only get a replacement or decide for an upgrade when the device can no longer serve us. A couple of years is not that long, but if we compare devices from two years ago and of today, not much has changed. Maybe a faster processor or a better camera, but it still works if the tech specs are or little difference.
Replacement can be an option if a phone is damaged, but think of the money that we can save for a better device in the future. Think of the time and hard work that the workers have spent to create the phones and think of the environment when deciding for a replacement next time.